TMS FMX Chart Fully cross-platform chart component designed for business, statistical, financial scientific data Featur...
Fully cross-platform chart component designed for business, statistical, financial & scientific data

Feature overview
- Highly configurable cross-platform chart.
- Support for multiple series with optional separate or combined auto range for x- and y-axis.
- Wide range of chart types: bar, grouped bar, absolute stacked bar, percentage stacked bar, area, stacked area, pie, donut, spider, line, digital line, OHLC, CandleStick, Boxplot,...
- XY line and XY scatter chart types.
- Legend with glyph representing the chart type for each series.
- Formatting of values in various formatting types (numbers, floating point numbers and date time).
- X-axis and y-axis with optional custom formatting for each series and multiple position support.
- Optional configurable background grid.
- Series markers with bitmap and custom drawing support.
- Series labels with formatting support and optional stacked mode.
- Annotations for each series point.
- Optional 3D drawing mode.
- Design time editor.
- Separate Windows and macOS runtime editor.
- High number of events for further customization.
- Anti-aliasing & native canvas support.
- Comes with a desktop and mobile demo.