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Dynamsoft--Dynamic Web TWAIN v18.3 Released

latest update:2023/07/11 Views:473
Introducing Dynamic Web TWAIN v18.3: Reduce PDF file size with color clustering and enjoy faster image display speed in our latest release.

Introducing Dynamic Web TWAIN v18.3: Reduce PDF file size with color clustering and enjoy faster image display speed in our latest release.

18.3 (06/20/2023)

New Features

Image Viewer

Preview Feature

PDF Compressor (Beta)


Image Viewer

Android Service

Remote Scan

General Improvements

18.2 (05/09/2023)

New Features

WIA 2.0 Scanner Support

Optimized Android Service for document scanning from Android devices

Remote Scan


Image Viewer

Optimized error handling during web twain initialization

General Improvements

Bug fixes

Fixed bug where ShowFileDialog might not work properly on MacOS.

18.1 (01/12/2023)

Dynamic Web TWAIN v18.1 is restructured into two editions. While the standard Service Edition focuses on interactions with scanners, the Plus Edition offers support for mobile cameras as well. The goal is to make sure the Service Edition is small-sized, easy-to-use, and stable. The Plus Edition, on the other hand, is more comprehensive and offers flexibility in platforms and devices.

The following table gives a quick comparison between the two editions.


Service Edition

Plus Edition

Interact with scanners from browsers on Windows, macOS and Linux



Interact with scanners from browsers on Android

This will be supported in the next release.


Interact with mobile cameras on iOS and Android devices



Barcode Reader addon

Windows platform for now; macOS and Linux support will be added soon

Cross-platform support on all desktops and mobile

Remote Scan

Windows/macOS/Linux support

Cross-platform support


Plus Edition is a temporary edition as its enhanced features will be separated into another SDK product by the end of 2023. Due to the upcoming change, the Plus Edition is not available to download from the public website. If you want to access the Plus Edition now, please send a request to us.

18.0 (12/22/2022)

Localhost Scan

New Features

Service Edition for Android

Get Dynamsoft Service in Google Play

Mobile Web Capture

Improved Features

Bug Fixes


Changes to ActiveX Edition

Remote Scan

Remote Document Scanning enables document scanning from all available Dynamsoft Services and eSCL scanners on the intranet through one proxy service, via any supported devices and browsers, without any software installation. Please refer to this documentation for more details.



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