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Xlight FTP Server

latest update:2022/09/19 Views:1006
Xlight is a Windows FTP and SFTP server to make file transfer secure and easy to use. It is a portable program with very low memory and CPU usage. The server is designed for high performance and can handle many FTP and SFTP connections.



Xlight FTP Server


Xlight - Windows FTP and SFTP Server

Xlight is a Windows FTP and SFTP server to make file transfer secure and easy to use. It is a portable program with very low memory and CPU usage. The server is designed for high performance and can handle many FTP and SFTP connections.


Xlight FTP Server has many useful features and has an edition for personal use. The program is compatible with Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 10, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2019.


Xlight FTP server has three editions: personal, standard, professional.


Personal edition is free for personal use only. During the 30-day evaluation period, the trial program works like the professional edition with exactly the same functions. After the evaluation period, unregistered program will automatically become the personal edition.


Standard edition is limited to 50 online users. It has secure SSL, Anti Leech Protection and UNC Path Impersonation support. But the standard edition doesn't support ODBC, LDAP, Active Directory, email Notification and Remote Administration function etc.


Professional edition has no online users limitation and supports all functions except the optional SFTP (SSH2) feature.


SFTP (SSH2) Add-On Module SFTP (SSH2) is a completely different protocol from FTP. SFTP (SSH2) is provided as an optional feature. If you only want to use FTP protocol, you won't need this module. The SFTP (SSH2) upgrade is only for users who have standard or professional edition of Xlight FTP Server.


Benefits of purchasing Xlight FTP Server:


Note: For standard and professional editions, one license can be used on only one computer at any one time, unless multiple computers license has been purchased in which case the software may be used on any number of computers, up to the number of purchased licenses.


The following is the features comparison of Xlight FTP Server editions:



Personal edition

Standard edition

Professional edition

Online Users




GUI based remote administration




ODBC User database




Write file transfer logs to database




Email Notification




LDAP Support




Active Directory




UNC Path Impersonation




128 bits SSL




SSL client authentication




Anti Leech Protection




SFTP(SSH2) Add-On (Optional)


not include (Need a separate SFTP(SSH2) license)

not include (Need a separate SFTP(SSH2) license)

Virtual Servers




UPnP Support




Advanced Configuration Management




Hierarchy Virtual Paths




Advanced Access Control




Advanced Bandwidth Control








xferlog format












Other Features





Xlight FTP Server features:

Xlight FTP Server is able to run in Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 10, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2019.


The following are its main features:

External User Authentication


IPv6 and encrypted file transfer


3rd party application integration


Server administration


Server log and audit


Firewall and NAT traversal


Flexible user and server control


Miscellaneous features


Xlight FTP Server Frequently Asked Questions


Cannot access virtual path linked to Mapped drive from Xlight service?

Mapped Network Drive will be available only after user logs into Windows Computer. However Windows service applications are started before user logs into Windows Computer. That is the reason that you cannot access virtual path linked to Mapped Network Drive when running Xlight FTP Server as system service.


To use Network Drive in system service, you need to use UNC path format "\\host-name\share-name\file_path", where host-name can be IP address or network name.


How to upgrade Xlight FTP Server?

Before upgrade, you must stop the running FTP Server. If FTP Server is running as system service, you need to go to "Control Panel->Manage Tools->Service", find and select "Xlight FTP Server" in service window, click mouse right button, select "Stop" from Popup Menu and then close the service window. Then you can choose either one of the following method:


Method 1: Uninstall old version of Xlight, old configuration files are still kept. Reinstall new version to the old installation path.

Method 2: Download 32-bit xlight.zip or 64-bit xlight-x64.zip, unzip the file and use it to overwrite the old Xlight FTP server executable, which by default is under "c:\program files\xlight".


How to backup Xlight configuration file?

Under Xlight FTP server installation folder ("c:\program files\xlight"), there are 5 files: "ftpd.hosts","ftpd.option","ftpd.password", "ftpd.rules"."ftpd.users". These are configuration files of Xlight FTP server. For server configuration, you only need to backup these 5 files. If you use quotas function in Xlight ftp server, you may also need to back up the file ".quota" in the same directory.


From the Xlight FTP Server version 3.2 and above, there is a new option to automatically backup configuration files. The option is at [Global Option]->[General]->[Backup After Configuration Change]. You need to select a destination directory for storing configuration backup.


How to move Xlight FTP to new server?

You need to do the following 3 steps:

Step 1. Download and install Xlight FTP in new server.

Step 2. Under old server's Xlight FTP installation folder ("c:\program files\xlight"), there are 5 files: "ftpd.hosts","ftpd.option","ftpd.password", "ftpd.rules"."ftpd.users". You need to copy these 5 files to the folder where Xlight FTP is installed in new server. If you use quotas function in Xlight ftp server, you may also need to copy the file ".quota" to new server.

Step 3. The Xlight FTP license in older server is stored in registry at either one of the following two locations:



You will need to copy the license to new server in the same location of registry.


Outside user cannot see directory in FTP Server, how to make it work?

FTP protocol needs two ports to work. The common port 21 is for FTP commands. The data port is for transfer file and directory list. If you cannot see directory list from outside, but server can work internally (you can test the server using loopback IP, with a client in the same machine), then the FTP data port might be blocked by firewall. Windows has software firewall, you would better add Xlight program into its exception list. If your company has hardware firewall and user has the problem is outside the firewall. You would better follow the link to setup firewall port forwarding.


How can I increase Upload and Download speed?

The default TCP buffer sizes for Xlight is set as 32KB optimized for thousands of online users. If you don't have that much users, you can adjust TCP buffer size to increase network performance for user. TCP buffer size can be adjusted in virtual server at [Virtual Server Configuration] - [Advanced] - [Socket Buffer Size] or for individual user at [User Configuration] - [Option] - [Socket Buffer Size]. The base unit for this option is KB. So if you want t set a 64KB buffer, you can put value 64 in it. You can check Xlight help document for detail of this option.


When I create a virtual server, what is Dynamic IP (

If your server has multiple NIC cards, the Dynamic IP ( will bind to all NIC cards available. That means that your virtual server will listen on all NIC cards. If you select a specific IP associated with a NIC card, then virtual server will listen only in this NIC card. If you moved your server later and IP has changed, you won't need to worry when using Dynamic IP, because it doesn't associated with a specific IP. But if you bind virtual server to a specific IP, you need to adjust accordingly, otherwise virtual server with incorrect IP will not be able to start.


A lot of unknown IP trying to login to my server, how to block them?

Go to [Virtual Server Configuration] - [Security] - [IP Address Auto Blocking], Enable this option.


Set IP auto blocking last for to a value such as 600 seconds. Set Number of "failed logins" or "Hammer connections" to a value such as 5 and "in seconds" to 60.


This will auto block the IP for 600 seconds if it makes 5 connections or failed logins within 60 seconds. Set checking period for failed logins is only available from Xlight FTP version 3.9.3.


To check auto blocked IPs or unblock one of them, from Xlight FTP main Windows, go to "Connection Detail", click the top left small icon.


The external authentication doesn't work, how can I debug it?

From [Virtual Server Configuration] - [General] - [external user authentication], click the setup button. You can see the option "Show debug trace information in Error Log". Enable this option will allow you to see debug information for external authentication in Xlight FTP Server error log.


AD authentication through Xlight doesn't work in domain controller?

Microsoft has special security police, normal domain users cannot logon to Active Directory domain controller. So when Xlight FTP Server is run in domain controller, normal domain users cannot logon to FTP Server through Active Directory authentication. You would better run Xlight FTP Server in a different domain machine.


In case you must run FTP Server in domain controller, you have to grant the Allowed logon locally system right to that user account in the domain. You can follow the step "Grant a Member the Right to Logon Locally" from Microsoft. You must reboot your machine for the change to take effect.

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