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Forensic Explorer Command Line

latest update:2022/05/03 Views:633
The Forensic Explorer Command Line (FEX CLI) is a forensic data processing engine used for computer forensics and electronic discovery.


About FEX CLI™

The Forensic Explorer Command Line (FEX CLI) is a forensic data processing engine used for computer forensics and electronic discovery. The FEX CLI can be run on a single workstation to an enterprise level virtual environment spawning multiple simultaneous processing instances. FEX CLI offers:





FEX CLI can automate all standard forensic processing tasks, including: signature analysis, hash verification, hash match, file carve, registry triage, metadata extraction etc.


It utilizes XML task files to customize processing. It interfaces directly with a programming language for ultimate flexibility. Data can be exported from all common forensic file formats directly to disk or to be ingested by third party e-discovery platforms. It can also export data directly into a L01 image file.


The FEX CLI can be launched from a stand-alone folder and from portable storage devices. It can be used for such purposes as forensic triage.


Key Features



CLI processing speed if significantly faster that processing in GUI applications.


Multiple Concurrent Instances:

Initiate multiple simultaneous processing instances (requires multiple licenses).


Case File Output:

Creates a Forensic Explorer case file that can be opened directly with the Forensic Explorer GUI.



The FEX CLI can be launched from a stand-alone folder and from portable storage devices.


Batch Process:

Batch sequence processing jobs. Compatible with both CMD and PowerShell.


Front End Independent:

Front end applications (Python, HTML5, etc.) can interface directly with CLI commands.


Inbuilt Forensic Processing Tasks: Inbuilt functions include:


Remote: Can be configured to process remote devices running the FEX servlet.



Recommended Requirements

FEX CLI is a 64 bit application.


Minimum recommended system requirements are:


Supported File Systems

Forensic Explorer supports analysis of:


Encryption Support

Unlocks the following (password or recovery key required):


Supported Bit-Image Formats

FEX-Triage supports common image and forensic image formats including:


Supported Email Formats

Supports analysis of PST, OST, EDB and MBOX mail formats.

Email messages are exported in .msg format.


Scripting Language

FEX Triage scripts are written in Delphi Pascal.


Processing Profiles

Processing profiles are created in .TXML (XML) format. Profiles use TCommandTasks to initiate processing, which includes the ability to call and run scripts and filters.


Case Use Examples

Forensic Backlog

A law enforcement agency has a backlog of 100 forensic image files on their server.



Email Discovery

A company is subpoenaed for all email correspondence between two parties. Email exists in PST, OST, EDB, Mbox format.



Purchase & Licensing FAQs


License Type

A FEX CLI license is a fixed term license and will expire at the term date (typically 1 year).

A FEX CLI license can be renewed at a maintenance rate. A grace period of 6 months will apply to an expired license, after which time the maintenance rate will no longer apply.


Wibu CodeMeter Activation Dongle (Wibu Dongle)

The software is activated by a license on a Wibu Dongle. A Wibu Dongle can hold one or more licenses. It can be:


License Management

Wibu Dongle licenses are managed using the GetData License Manager software. The License Manger is used to:


A lite version of Wibu CodeMeter software is installed with GetData products. A full version of CodeMeter User Runtime for Windows is available from the Wibu website. It can be used to:

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