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Canary Data Historian & Reporting Tools To Make Process Data Easy

latest update:2022/08/01 Views:335
Data Historian & Reporting Tools To Make Process Data Easy



The Canary Process Data Historian and Trending Software is

Data in the Historian is stored using lossless compression algorithms. This means the process historian archives the original data and never and approximation of it.

Data collected from logging devices is cached so data will not be lost even if connections are. It also offer redundancy solutions so the data is always accessible.

Communications can be encrypted to provide point to point security. Security for data access can also be configured down to the tag level.

Use Axiom trending software to view data on a range of devices including desktops, tablets and phones. The browser and desktop clients have the same look and feel.





Use to store and retrieve data



Use Axiom to view real-time and historical data



Use to create reports in Excel



Use to notify critical conditions



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