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Bluebeam:Five things you may not know about Studio Sessions

latest update:2021/07/27 Views:765
Bluebeam:Five things you may not know about Studio Sessions


Five things you may not know about Studio Sessions


Studio Sessions are an easy way to create a real-time, online collaboration environment for you and your project teams. Simply upload your PDF files to a Session, invite attendees, and all the attendees can add markups to the same document for as long as the Session is active. This article points out some features in Sessions you may not know about but will find useful for your workflows.

Although you will need a licensed copy of Revu to host a Session, attendees can use View mode if they don’t own a license.

Hosting and attending a Session requires a Bluebeam Studio account.

1. Real-time functionality

Studio Sessions allow multiple attendees to access a PDF and add markups at the same time, with all changes immediately available to everyone. This means you don’t have to wait for an email with a reply or new version of the PDF to get the information you need. The real-time capabilities also let you follow another attendee—this means you’re able to watch as they zoom, pan and mark up the PDF.

To follow another attendee, hover over the attendee’s name in the Session panel and click Follow Attendee . Your screen will automatically update to match theirs. This lets you work through an issue with a colleague without leaving Revu to exchange emails or files.

2. Session record and reporting

While you’re in a Session, you can find a record containing a complete history of all markup activity and chats in the lower part of the Studio panel. All of the information is hyperlinked, so you can click on a chat message or markup in the list and jump to the section of the PDF that the user was viewing when their chat message or markup was added.

At the conclusion of a Studio Session, you can create a report in the form of a single PDF package that contains all the documents and markups from the Session, along with a full history of the Session record. To create your Session Report, click Report  in the Studio panel.

3. Session expiration date

Session hosts can close a Session manually once they have finished working. Once a Session is closed, the files contained within that Session will no longer be available in Studio.

Hosts can also configure a Studio Session to have an expiration date, removing the need to manually close the Session. The expiration date can be set up when creating the Session, or afterwards. Once the expiration date is set, it can be changed as needed.

To set or edit an expiration date, enter the appropriate Session and:

·You can disable the expiration date by unchecking Enabled.

·The expiration date or time can be changed by setting the appropriate value(s) in the fields to the right of Enabled.

Revu sends the Session host and attendees email notifications as the Session nears its expiration date. Notifications are sent out:

Notifications are also sent if the Session’s expiration date has been changed.

4. Pushing Project files to a Session

PDFs in a Project can be added to a Studio Session so that you can take advantage of the real-time collaboration capability of Sessions.

It’s important to note that only Sessions created using this method can have Project files added to them. Unless you are adding more PDFs to a Session that was already created for this purpose, the first step will be to add a Project file to a new Session, as described below. Once a Session has been created with this method, additional Project files can be added to it.

Users must have both Send PDFs to Sessions permission and Read/Write folder permission to use this feature. Users with the Full Control permission will already have both of these permissions by default.

To add Project files to a new Session:

The first user to follow the steps above will automatically be designated the Session host and can send additional Project files to the Session and manage the Session normally.

To add Project files to an existing Session:

PDFs already added to a Session are tagged with a  icon in the Project panel. Users are able to join these ongoing Sessions directly by right-clicking on the file in the Project tab and selecting Join <existing Session name>.

5. Renaming a Session

The Session host creates and names Sessions upon creating them. Afterwards, Sessions can be renamed from the Studio panel by the Session Host only.

To rename a Session:

The Session is now renamed and the change should immediately reflect in the Studio panel.


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