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LISREL for Windows

latest update:2016/10/26 Views:1344
Over the past 38 years, LISREL models, methods and software have become synonymous with structural equation models (SEM). SEM allows researchers in social sciences, management, behavior, biology, pedagogy, and other fields to test their theories through empirical tests.

Over the past 38 years, LISREL models, methods and software have become synonymous with structural equation models (SEM). SEM allows researchers in social sciences, management, behavior, biology, pedagogy, and other fields to test their theories through empirical tests. These theories are usually translated into theoretical models to analyze significant variables and potential variables. If the data you collect is used to analyze the significant variables of the theoretical model, the LISREL software can be used to match the model to the data collected.

However, now LISREL for Windows is far from limited to SEM. The latest LISREL for Windows contains the following statistical applications:

LISREL: for structural equation model

PRELIS: for data processing and basic statistical analysis

MULTILEV: for hierarchical linear and nonlinear models

SURVEYGLIM: for generalized linear models

MAPGLIM: A generalized linear model for multistage data


The 32-bit LISREL application is used to:

Standard structural equation model

Multi - level structural equation model

These methods can be used for the following data types:

Classification variables and continuous variables of incomplete and incomplete complex survey data

Classification of variables and continuous variables of complete and incomplete simple random sample data


PRELIS is a 32-bit application that can be used to:

Data operation

Data conversion

Data generation

Calculation matrix

The asymptotic covariance matrix of the calculated moments

Fill by matching

Multiple fill

Multiple linear regression

Logical regression

Univariate and multivariate censored regression

ML and MINRES exploratory factor analysis


MULTILEV fits multi-level linear and nonlinear models into multilevel data in simple random survey designs and complex survey designs. It supports models with continuous and sorted response variables.


SURVEYGLIM fitted the generalized linear model (GLIM) to simple random survey design and complex survey design data
Models for the following sampling distributions are available.

Can be used for the following sample distribution model:

Multiple distribution

Bernoulli distribution

Binomial distribution

Negative binomial distribution

Poisson distribution (Poisson)

Normal distribution

Gamma distribution

Inverse Gaussian distribution


MAPGLIM uses the maximum a posteriori estimation (MAP) method to fit a generalized linear model to multistage data.

LISREL 9.2 for Windows upgrades and fixes

1. Overall

Fixed all vulnerabilities reported by LISREL 9.1 for Windows end users
2. Structural equation model

If an LSF file (single group) is read, the matrix is based on the variable definition contained in the LSF file. If all variables are ordinals, the sample polychoric covariance or correlation coefficients will be calculated without calculating the product of the moment coefficients.

Generalized linear model

After presenting the results of the unit-specific model estimates in the output file, the population average estimate is now incremented to obtain the count and classification result variables


Use the Windows Control Panel to uninstall LISREL 9.1 for Windows

If you have not successfully uninstalled in the first step, delete the LISREL9 folder in C: \ Program files (x86) \

Make sure that the saved application size is approximately 66,010 KB. If not, please save it again.

Right-click on LISREL92Setup.exe, select Run as Administrator (Run as Administrator)


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