Kudan AR SDK for Unity V1.8.0 Released
Kudan AR SDK is a light weight, cross-platform Augumented Reality SDK for iOS, Android and Unity. The new version Kudan AR SDK for Unity V1.8.0 now supports Unity 2020. The AR app development is never been easier with this Unity 2020 support.
AR (Augmented Reality) for Mobile Applications
Cross-platform development of marker AR and markerless AR.
Kudan provides professional AR SDK to develop compelling applications for mobile devices.
Kudan AR SDK is chosen by professional developers looking for an all-in-one SDK that can support marker or markerless tracking and location requirements.
This high speed SDK with small data size and footprint is compatible with iOS and Android as well as providing Unity plugins. It does not require the latest mobile devices due to the hardware agnostic algorithm.
Kudan also offers CV SDK, which is a tracking feature without rendering.
If you are looking for a professional AR SDK to develop compelling applications for mobile devices - you've come to the right place.
Kudan AR SDK is chosen by professional developers looking for an all-in-one SDK that can support marker or markerless tracking and location requirements. It's fast, light and ready to be ported into any platforms with any peripherals as well.
Technical Features
Markers and markerless
Kudan AR is an SDK engine available that supports both marker and markerless tracking. So whether you need to track in excess of 15,000 local markers or none at all, you can do both.
Markerless is great if you need to activate the AR component without marker initialization and enables great apps that let you create models in 3D space - even in real size in a real environment.
The AR SDKs have native platform APIs, such as ObjectiveC for iOS and Java for Android. A Unity cross-platform game engine is also available. Developers can deliver superior AR apps to a wide range of users without requiring the latest smartphones.
From indie development to embedded system
Kudan offers a license plan that is without any restriction for individual and indie developers.
The core KudanCV engine is written in C++ and has architecture-specific optimizations written in assembly to give the fastest and most robust performance with the minimum memory footprint. That means that it is perfect for running on anything from specialist VPU's in head mounted devices to being embedded in a chipset. Adjust sensitiveness/robustness/speed and data size to suit your needs.
Configurable for advanced use
Our high quality rendering support is ready for HD display and capture and it supports high-quality 3D graphics with map/shader and real-time texture morphing.
Use mono or stereo cameras combined with any other sensors - like depth - that your application requires. Advanced recognitions, e.g. multiple marker recognition, extended marker support, are no problem and you can enable a target recovery mode to cope with the unexpected.
Use Cases
M.A.R.T.A. | My Augmented Reality Teaching Assistant
M.A.R.T.A. stands for My Augmented Reality Teaching Assistant. M.A.R.T.A. is born to revolutionize the Education system. Its only purpose is to provide FREE Education to all beyond borders. This dream cannot be realized without your support.
Augmented Reality Features:
AR Display Examples
AR Technology
Use Case: Education
Sector: Schools
Tracking: Marker-based tracking
Marker-less tracking
Rendering: 2D model rendering
Other Features: 3D Mode
About Kudan
Kudan is a professional technology lab researching / engineering Computer Vision algorithms. Headquartered in Tokyo, Kudan has technology center in Bristol, UK, with sales and support covering the global market.
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