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Bluebeam:How do I know if I have used all my licenses?

发布时间:2020/09/05 浏览量:734
How do I know if I have used all my licenses? Is there a charge for going over?

How do I know if I have used all my licenses? Is there a charge for going over?

With an Enterprise License, you gain access to the Bluebeam Gateway, a web portal for viewing and managing both Enterprise and Open Licenses. The Bluebeam Gateway allows you to view how many seats of each version and edition you own, how many computers, or "seats," are registered to each license, and which computers they are.

As long as your total number of registered machines per edition does not exceed the total number of seats allowed for a period of more than 30 days, you won't be further charged. If you are approaching or exceeding your limit, you can purchase additional seats or unregister licenses from computers as needed. Any new seats purchased may take up to 24 hours to update and appear in the Gateway.


I logged in to the Bluebeam Gateway and I can’t find what I’m looking for.

We’ve recently consolidated individual licenses into single accounts tied to organizational domain names to provide a simpler and more customer-friendly experience. 

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