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The Wolfram Solution for Financial Risk Management

发布时间:2020/07/17 浏览量:612
The Wolfram Solution for Financial Risk Management

The Wolfram Solution for Financial Risk Management

Rapidly develop and test robust financial risk models and deploy them as interactive applications or as high-performance infrastructure components—all from one system, with one integrated workflow.

Wolfram Finance Platform is unique in offering the reliability of a mixed symbolic-numeric approach to computation, multiple switching algorithms, built-in computable financial and economic data and integrated parallel computation for scaling up performance.


The Wolfram Edge



Wolfram Finance Platform includes thousands of built-in functions that let you:


How Wolfram Compares



Does your current tool set have these advantages?


Key Capabilities


Wolfram Finance Platform includes thousands of built-in functions for financial computation, modeling, visualization, development and deployment, including:

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