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The Wolfram Solution for Authoring and Publishing

发布时间:2020/07/03 浏览量:553
The Wolfram Solution for Authoring and Publishing

The Wolfram Solution for Authoring and Publishing

Enter a new world where every document is instantly interactive and every concept comes with an application—combining literate programming and interactive publishing on web, desktop and mobile in one unified system powered by the Wolfram Language.

Wolfram Notebooks put easy-to-author interactivity at their core, empowering readers to drive content and generate results live. Notebooks are computation-powered knowledge containers for any type of information, including dynamic content, typeset inputs and outputs, 2D and 3D graphics, calculations, text and programs.


The Wolfram Edge




Wolfram technologies include thousands of built-in functions and curated data on many topics that let you:


How Wolfram Compares




Does your current tool set have these advantages?


Key Capabilities


Wolfram Notebooks offer content creators easy-to-author interactivity and convenient deployment options. The Wolfram Language includes thousands of built-in functions for computation, modeling, visualization, development and deployment.

Authoring and publishing specific capabilities:

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