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Endeavour: A powerful software crystal structure solution | Diffraction data from powder and single crystal!

发布时间:2019/07/08 浏览量:935
Endeavour Structure Solution from Powder Diffraction Endeavouris a powerful software for crystal structure solution, b...


Structure Solution from Powder Diffraction


Endeavour is a powerful software for crystal structure solution, both from powder as well as single crystal diffraction data. Based on more than ten years of experience, the software is capable of solving many small to medium sized structures more or less on its own. The innovative concept combined with the elaborate user interface makes the solution of crystal structures an almost routine process, especially for inorganic but also for many organic compounds.

Even unexperienced users can prepare and perform the structure solution calculation in a few steps: Simply follow the integrated "wizard" to enter the required data (unit cell parameters, chemical composition, diffraction data), and let Endeavour do the rest. The structure solution is performed using a special variant of the "direct-space" approach, namely a combined global optimization of the difference between calculated and observed diffraction data and of the potential energy of the system. Due to the additional usage of the potential energy, the method is much less sensitive to low-quality diffraction data than e.g. direct methods.


The latest version 1.8 with a re-designed user interface brings several improvements and bug fixes.


Scientific background

Details about the scientific background of Endeavour have been published in Journal of Applied Crystallography: H. Putz, J.C. Schoen, M. Jansen, and Combined Method for "Ab Initio" Structure Solution from Powder Diffraction Data, J. Appl. Cryst. (1999), 32, 864-870.




Crystal structure solution from powder or single crystal diffraction data using a combined global optimization of the difference between calculated and measured diffraction pattern and of the potential energy of the system ("Pareto optimization").




Structure Solution:


Structure Visualization:




System requirements


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