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QtitanNavigation :implementation of Navigation Design and Navigation Design concept for Digia Qt.C++

发布时间:2018/09/19 浏览量:1138
QtitanNavigation component emulates Microsoft Dynamics CRM-2016/Office 365 navigation interface and set of controls to improve the user experience for Qt.C++ applications.


Binaries and C++ Headers for Windows Qt 5.10.1/32bit (original built by Digia)

Binaries and C++ Headers for Linux Qt 5.10.1/64bit (original built by Digia)


Binaries and C++ Headers for Mac OSX Qt 5.10.1/64bit (original built by Digia)

QtitanNavigation implementation of Navigation Design and Navigation Design concept for Digia Qt.C++

QtitanNavigation component emulates Microsoft Dynamics CRM-2016/Office 365 navigation interface and set of controls to improve the user experience for Qt.C++ applications. QtitanNavigation combining various paradigm of the user interface construction "Ribbon UI" and "Side Bar" gives better the navigation within your application, makes access to parts of the application more intuitive for the user. As a result it allows more information to be displayed at the same time and lets you efficiently view all entities (work areas, grids, or other items) with less scrolling and fewer clicks.

Like our other solutions QtitanNavigation allows you create enterprise level applications without regard for the environment or backward compatibility in Windows, Linux and MacOSX.

QtitanNavigation Overview

Component provides the following parts:

NavigationBar - With the new navigation bar, it's easier and faster to find the information you need. It is located at the top of the main window of the application by analogy with QMenuBar. It may contain a number of navigation buttons with the icons or any widgets (QWidget).

NavigationMainMenu - Together with NavigationBackstageMenu it is a new vertically stacked navigation structure. NavigationMainMenu contains a set of global tiles which can be associated with a subordinate low-level menu or just be associated with any user action (works like a simple button).

NavigationBackstageMenu - Is a single drop down panel that arranges items in categories. NavigationBackstageMenu may be subject to NavigationMainMenu's item or subordinate to the button located on the navigation bar. The component allows you to share the single menu with tile and button at the same time.

NavigationSidePane - Auxiliary popup panel which is normally used to display help information. But you can use other subsidiary objectives, for example to display the application settings. The panel is shown smoothly on the side of the main application window.

Themes - QtitanNavigation offers to personalize the colour scheme using a theme options. You can change the colour of navigation bar, main menu background, backstage menu background, caption color, item default color, link color. In addition, the component options have several predefined colour themes to quickly choose.

Navigation UI Light Blue Theme

Recently Viewed Items (Under development) - Nice feature of QtitanNavigation is the Recently Viewed Items engine. With this tool, you can access recently viewed actions that associate with records, views, and dashboards of application. Users can pin frequently accessed navigation actions and views and click this button to bring up the list which also features recently viewed items.

QtitanNavigation implementation details

The component is designed in 100% native Qt/C++ and does not use external borrowings and third-party libraries. However, there are portions of code that are implemented on each platform in different ways. This is done because of some features of Qt, as well as by reason of improve rendering performance.

QtitanNavigation supports - Qt4.5.x, Qt4.6.x, Qt4.7.x, Qt4.8.x and all versions of Qt5.x.x.

Integration with Qt Designer

QtitanNavigation component has a convenient integration with Qt Designer. This allows you to manage location of the Navigation UI on the form in the design time. Navigation UI designer plug-in supports both QtDesigner and QtCreator. Additionally component contains a application wizard template for QtCreator.



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