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TeamViewer Tutorial (Two):How to Share a Group?

发布时间:2018/05/24 浏览量:1181
To share a group from the Management Console to a contact that you have in your company profile, go into User Management...

To share a group from the Management Console to a contact that you have in your company profile, go into User Management Window in the Management Console, hover over the user,  click the options cog and select Edit User

Then Select the Shares tab and select the Groups and permissions for that user and click Save.


Note: This can only be done once the user verifies their account.

Hint:  By clicking on Shares in the Edit User menu, you can see which group(s) are being shared with the contact. Further groups can be shared with the contact through that option as well.

...via a contact

To share a group to a contact that you have in your contacts list, hover over the contact in the Management Console and click the options cog and select Properties


Then Select the Shares tab and select the Groups and permissions for that user and click Save.

 In this video tutorial you learn how to share a group through the Management Console with a contact in your Computers & contacts list.

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