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LightningChart Ultimate v.8.3 New Features| MeshModels TriangleTraced event,ViewPolar Symbol.Shape settings, Polar chart axis enhancements

发布时间:2018/05/20 浏览量:1094
LightningChart Ultimate v.8.3 New Features: NEW FEATURES 1. MeshModels finding the triangle mouse is hitting2 2. New Se...

LightningChart Ultimate v.8.3 New Features:


1. MeshModels – finding the triangle mouse is hitting…………………………………………………………………2

2. New SeriesEventMarkers shapes, projection of Y axis…………………………………………………………… 3

3. ViewXY’s FreeformPointLineSeries CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event improvement ……4

4. Line shaping and coloring event added in ViewPolar’s PointLineSeries…………………………………… 5

5. Polar chart axis enhancements…………………………………………………………………………………………6


1. MeshModels – finding the triangle mouse is hitting 


Tracing MeshModels with mouse. Traced result is shown in an Annotation. 

MeshModel has triangle-based tracing for mouse position. 

Use MouseTriangleTraced event. It will indicate the nearest triangle to camera, where the mouse hits.  

The event arguments have the following info: 

IntersectionPointAxisValues: intersection point of triangle face, in axes values

ModelSpaceTriangleCoordinates: array of 3 triangle corners (vertices) the mouse is hitting, in 3D model space coordinates

WorldSpaceTriangleCoordinates: array of 3 triangle corners (vertices) the mouse is hitting, in 3D world space coordinates. 

NearestCoordinateIndex: Index of nearest coordinate index of traced triangle, value of 0…2. Use the index to extract the coordinate from ModelSpaceTriangleCoordinates or WorldSpaceTriangleCoordinates array. 


2. New SeriesEventMarkers shapes, projection of Y axis

In addition to normal set of shapes, SeriesEventMarker supports two special Symbol.Shape settings, which allow vertical line with Y axis ticks projection: HollowYAxis and HollowYAxisActive. They have 1 pixel wide vertical line, and it picks positions of MajorTicks and MinorTicks from the Y axis the series is attached to. To adjust the tick lengths, edit YAxis.MajorDivTickStyle.LineLength and YAxis.MinorDivTickStyle.LineLength properties. 


Two special SeriesEventMarkers shapes: HollowYAxis and HollowYAxisActive. Very handy when making per-series data cursors. 

3. ViewXY’s FreeformPointLineSeries CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event improvement 

Added data point indices in event arguments: 

HasDataPointIndices: Only applicable in FreeformPointLineSeries.


DataPointIndices: Data point indices that were included in the coordinates and colors arrays. Note: chart will skip subsequent points in line construction, if their X and Y values or coordinates are equal. Using DataPointIndices info, you can e.g. pick a color for line point, from data point’s PointColor field or external color array. 

The new data point indices array is handy when picking a color by data point index (upper line), or duplicating coordinates to be make coloring with solid steps (lower line). 


4. Line shaping and coloring event added in ViewPolar’s PointLineSeries 

Coordinates and colors manipulation event Symbol.Shape settings  is now available also in PointLineSeriesPolar. It contains the data point indices in similar way than ViewXY’s FreeFormPointLineSeries (see feature 3). 


CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event used to manipulate colors and coordinates of line. 


5. Polar chart axis enhancements

The axis can be reversed by amplitude, angle or both. 

To reverse the angle scale, set AngularReversed = True. To reverse the amplitude scale, set AmplitudeReversed = True. 


On the left, scales are not reversed. On the right, AngularReversed = True and AmplitudeReversed = True.  

Added way to give amplitude scale a different angle than the normal orientation of polar chart. 

Use AmplitudeAxisAngle to rotate amplitude axis position. Amplitude scale angle can be set as absolute angle (AmpitudeAxisAngleType = Absolute), or relative to angle scale’s angle. (AmpitudeAxisAngleType = Relative). 


AngleOrigin = 30. AmplitudeAxisAngle = 90. On the left, AmplitudeAxisAngleType = Absolute. On the right, AmplitudeAxisAngleType = Relative:  Overall the amplitude scale rotates 120 degrees in this case. 

Angular divisions setting 

By default, the chart tries to include almost as many angular divisions as it can fit. To control the angular divisions, set AngularAxisAutoDivSpacing to False. Then the chart tries AngularAxisMajorDivCount count of divisions. If chart space is too small to render all the divisions and labels, it will use a lower division count that it can fit. 

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