Case Study: Bolloré Logistics
Following centralization of freight forwarding and financial applications in Hong Kong, efficient printing in various branch offices was required to take place via the WAN at Bolloré Logistics.
The Solution:
A dedicated print server in Hong Kong runs the ThinPrint Engine. Each branch office with a local printer server uses the free ThinPrint client. All branch offices without local Windows print servers use a TPG60 device with integrated ThinPrint client by OEM partner SEH.
The Result:
Printing invoices and shipping documents is as fast as when application servers were located in individual branch offices. Printing volumes are tracked using the ThinPrint Tracking Database. Branch offices experience fast and reliable printing.
“Introducing ThinPrint secures high levels of quality and stability for our operations. In our business efficient print processes are an essential requirement for effective application delivery.”
Laurent Karoly, Regional Director, M.I.S. at Bolloré Logistics
? Industry: Logistics
? Solution: ThinPrint
? Partner: TechniCom IT Solutions
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