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liquidfiles v3.2 New features introduction(之三):security default, self-management, extensible

发布时间:2018/05/03 浏览量:1063
Secure by default Encrypted All files are transferred with Strong 256 bit FIPS approved encryption. Authenticated All ...

Secure by default

Encrypted — All files are transferred with Strong 256 bit FIPS approved encryption.

Authenticated — All downloads are authenticated (your can disable authentication if it's not needed, per message or system wide) ensuring that only the intended recipient will receive the files. Even Unauthenticated messages are protected using Strong Random Numbers to ensure only recipients with access to the secure link will be able to access the message.

Audited / Logged — All transfers are logged, giving you proof of any files sent in and out of the organization.

Scanned — All files are Virus Scanned when uploaded and deleted if found to be infected. You can integrate with your own custom file scanning and you can limit what types are files each user is allowed to send.

Self Managed

The LiquidFiles Virtual Appliance is architected to be as self managed as it can be. All files have an expiration date and will be automatically deleted when the expiration has passed. With LDAP integration you don't even have to configure any users. It's as set and forget as it can be.

You can configure automatic Group Assignment in LiquidFiles so that your Project Group Alpha group in Active Directory automatically gets assigned to the Project Alpha LiquidFiles group. And users from @yourpartner.com automatically gets assigned to a Partner Group in LiquidFiles, that has access to the Partner Info file share.

Scalable will grow with your needs

While the typical LiquidFiles customer is a company or organization with between about 10 and 1000 users, there are plenty of installations in multinational enterprises, government departments and universities with thousands and thousands of users.

For small to medium installs, or where performance is not critical, a virtualized installation in VMware or any other virtual platform is the most common option. For larger installs, or if performance is critical, the best option is to install LiquidFiles on dedicated hardware.

Simple, No Nonsense Pricing

LiquidFiles has license brackets from Unlimited Users down to a 5 user license.

You only need licenses for your own local users. You don't need any licenses for any receiving user so you don't need to purchase license for your customers. Only your local users.

There are no lock-in contracts, hidden gotchas, reinstatement fees, payment for support or additional features. You sign up for the number of users you need and it's valid for the timeframe you purchsed it for. When the license expires you won't be able to send any more files but you can still download files you've already sent.

The latest is LiquidFiles v3.2.

LiquidFiles v3.2 is a major LiquidFiles release with quite a few changes, feature additions and enhancements. This page highlights the important changes.

Changes to Shares

Added Share Email Notifications. You can now add email notifications to a share and you will be notified when changes have been made to a share you're following.

Added previews for PDF's and HTML files.


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