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发布时间:2018/04/19 浏览量:1013
Web.config and App.config transforms Rider learns to execute Web.config and App.config transformations that are commonl...


Web.config and App.config transforms
Rider learns to execute Web.config and App.config transformations that are commonly used to modify settings when packaging applications.
From the context menu, you can add a transformation, select a configuration that it is applied to (Debug or Release), and choose whether you want the resulting transform file to be nested under its parent in Solution Explorer.

Reworked formatter
Similar to ReSharper, Rider's code formatting engine receives a major update. As a result, Rider learns to align code in columns and apply other new code styles. It also gets a way to disable or enable formatting for selected blocks of code with comments, or for entire files with EditorConfig.

More changes from ReSharper
Other updates that Rider received from ReSharper 2017.3 include:
•    Reworked Extract Method refactoring that supports returning tuples instead of out parameters when you're using C# 7.
•    New C# typing assists to add multiline comments, indent methods in chains, and surround code selections.
•    Support for tuples and documentation inheritance via <inheritdoc/> inVB.NET.

More frontend development features

Rider continues to expand the set of WebStorm functionality that it provides out of the box.
This release bundles a set of plugins for frontend developers that were formerly only available on demand, and weren't easily discoverable. This set of plugins includes support for TSLint, CoffeeScript, LiveEdit, Polymer and web components, Pug (ex. Jade), Handlebars, Karma, Stylus, AngularJS, spy-js, Gherkin, and Cucumber. (In related news, Vagrant plugin is now also available by default.)
Thanks to recent updates made by the WebStorm team, support for JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS and Vue.js gets a boost as well, and a preview panel is now available whenever you edit SVG files.
Finally, we have improved detection of package.json files in projects, which lets Rider suggest installing or updating npm packages in more cases.

MSBuild and NuGet

Rider's NuGet tooling learns to handle fallback folders, restore packages based onPackageReference directives in .csproj files, and ignore disabled NuGet package sources.
Speaking of its project system, Rider now provides UI to edit .NET Core project properties, and applies additional heuristics when dealing with linked files: it lets you choose between copying, moving files and adding links to them when you add an existing item, and suggests to exclude linked files from a project instead of deleting them from file system.
In a related change, we have enabled IntelliSense in .NET Core project files.


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