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发布时间:2018/04/19 浏览量:955
New project wizard Riders UI for creating projects and solutions has been improved in many ways. * Project templates ...

New project wizard
Rider's UI for creating projects and solutions has been improved in many ways.
•    Project templates are now grouped by framework, with languages, flavors and target framework versions selectable in properties of each framework template.
•    Git or Mercurial repositories can be created along with new solutions.
•    You can search the wizard for a particular type of application or programming language.
•    More project templates are available by default, such as WPF Application and Unity Class Library.
•    Additional project templates based on dotnet new can be easily installed.

Unit testing improvements
Rider's .NET unit test runner gets a serious usability boost, as well as a set of new functionality:
•    Two new actions are available: Repeat Tests Until Failure and Rerun Failed Tests In Current Session.
•    All actions now respect the currently selected filter (such as Failed tests only). Filters themselves are now presented in a more compact manner: if a test status doesn't occur in the current test session, the filter for that status is not displayed.
•    Local shortcuts for unit test trees are introduced: for example, Del removes selected tests from a session, and Alt+Shift+Insert creates a new session.
•    When you search for tests in the unit test tree, you can now find results in collapsed nodes.

C# Interactive
We have added a new C# Interactive tool window that helps you run C# statements without having to wait for compilation. This is a quick REPL-based way to draft code and get immediate feedback on what a given expression will return.
To start a new interactive session, open the tool window directly, or send a code selection from the code editor via Alt+Enter.

Unity support improvements
In addition to the new Unity Class Library project template mentioned above, the Unity plugin receives an array of all-around improvements:
•    New context actions to annotate fields as serializable or not serializable, as well as to convert auto-properties to properties with serialized backing fields.
•    New code inspections around Unity attributes, such as signature checks in methods marked with [PostProcessScene] and other Unity attributes.
•    Code completion starts to show Unity event functions at the top of the list, and works again before attributed fields.
•    Syntax highlighting and coding assistance are available in compute shaders in addition to regular shaders.
•    Unity debugger learns to break on user-unhandled exceptions, evaluate locals in coroutines and tasks, and reliably hit breakpoints when attached to local Unity processes. pdb2mdb is now integrated to enable the Mono debugger to handle assemblies that come with Windows-specific PDB files.
•    Quick Documentation pop-up provides links to external documentation for Unity symbols.


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