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Solarwinds:Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server

发布时间:2022/02/17 浏览量:646
Enhance security and control over file transfers in and outside your organization

Enhance security and control over file transfers in and outside your organization

Key Features


Secure file transfer and file sharing from an intuitive, central console.

Enhance security

Go beyond Serv-U™ FTP Server to enable file transfers supported by FTP, FTPS, SFTP and HTTP/S over IPv4 and IPv6 networks

Enable ad hoc file sharing

Allow peer-to-peer file transfers from web and mobile devices

Help ensure compliance

Maintain compliance with PCI DSS, HIPAA, FISMA, SOX, and other standards involving securing data in transit


Integrate with NAS/SAN and external database servers for easy storage access and HA clustered deployments

Reliable FTP server software for secure file transfer

Sending data and files subject to privacy and security regulations requires a solution suited for the job.

Building on the capabilities of Serv-U FTP Server, Serv-U MFT Server supports FTP, FTPS, SFTP and HTTP/S protocols for file transfer over IPv4 and IPv6 networks.


Ad hoc file sharing to easily send and request files

The task is simple. Why overcomplicate things?

Peer-to-peer file sharing simplifies sending and requesting files on an ad hoc basis.


Anywhere, anytime file transfer from web and mobile devices

No matter the time or place, files can be transferred so you can get the job done.

Instantly transfer files using simple drag-and-drop Web and mobile interfaces.


Upload and download large files quickly and easily

Transfer files of all sizes. No problem.

Enable fast and reliable large (>3GB) file transfers and folder synchronization.


Centralized file transfer management and automation

Avoid the administrative hassle of your typical FTP.

Automate file transfer management and administration tasks from a centralized web-based console.


Maintain regulatory compliance

True data security and compliance starts with a strong technical foundation.

Optional Serv-U Gateway add-on provides defense-in-depth security to Serv-U FTP Server deployment. It ensures no data is stored in the DMZ in order to comply with PCI DSS and other regulatory frameworks.


Integrates with existing Active Directory® and LDAP servers to control permissions and user access

Your files hold a wealth of information. Don’t let them fall into the wrong hands.

Integrate Serv-U with existing AD/LDAP servers to sync user accounts and simplify authentication. Apply limits and custom settings for file transfer operations to users, groups, domains, and servers.


Monitor FTP server and domain logs online

When performance is critical, don't get stuck twiddling your thumbs when something goes wrong.

Track file server startup, configuration, and domain activity logs for fast and easy troubleshooting.


Execute automated actions based on triggered events

When nefarious activity is spotted, take immediate action. Every second counts.

Send email, run programs, delete files, and write Windows® event log messages based on triggered events.


Customize web client branding

Appearance matters, whether your file-sharing software is internally or externally facing.

Add custom logo, text, and advanced custom CSS templates to design your own Serv-U web interface.


Remote file transfer session monitoring

The ability to protect your investment and help ensure its performance is just as critical as having the functionality in the first place.

Monitor real-time session and user statistics from a web-based management dashboard.



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