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Spatial Manager version 7

发布时间:2021/10/08 浏览量:651
In this newsletter we detail some of them in order to provide you with information of interest well in advance of its release

UPDATED INFO - Spatial Manager version 7


version 7 of Spatial Manager will be released, which includes a large number of new features and improvements. In this newsletter we detail some of them in order to provide you with information of interest well in advance of its release



- Below you will find links to download this version. This is an advanced beta build. We would be very grateful if you could test it and send us any comments you consider of interest


- The images and videos that appear in this newsletter are captured using application builds prior to what will be the final version, so changes, extensions or improvements may be included in the final version. The videos have been recorded in AutoCAD version, but are of identical application in BricsCAD, ZWCAD or GstarCAD, and very similar in Desktop


- It is expected that, given the significant increase in functionality, license prices will also increase when releasing this version. Any customer purchasing now new licenses or update/support extensions will be able to download version 7 when it is released at no additional cost. This may be an important sales tool to use in the coming weeks


Street View: New palette for displaying (and navigate) dynamic Google Street View images on any geo-referenced drawing/map.



GIS analysis tools



- Buffer: Buffered polygons around point objects, linear objects or polygon boundaries.


- Overlay: New objects based on geometric and data operations between existing object groups - Intersect. Union. Erase. Identity. Clip. Paste. Symmetric Difference


- Dissolve: New polygons based on the grouping of other adjacent polygons with some common data.


- Centroids: Polygon Centroids creation by adopting the polygons data. Video preview


- Areas of Influence: Polygons defined by the set of points closest to each point of a selection of points in the drawing (Voronoi diagrams).



Spatial Query Selection: Advanced object selection system based on geometric and data operations between existing object groups - Intersect (additional Video preview). Touches. Within. Contains. Disjoint. Overlaps. Crosses


Object Labeling: Texts based on objects data.


Some other news:

- Location and name selection for images resulting from Background Map captures

- Transparent Background Map regeneration on view changes (Zooms, Pan, etc.) even if another command is running

- Option to label linear objects at a single point and not only by means of repeated labels along the length of the object

- GPX (GPS) data provider now also supports writing

- Data selection options (by Table and by Query) in the commands that allow selecting objects (Export, Publication to Google Earth, etc.)

- Simultaneous removal of several Fields in a Data Table definition

- Optional selection of the required Grid files for a Coordinate Transformation using Grids

- New layout and icon design in the user interface


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