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Mathematica licensing for government and personal use

发布时间:2021/03/04 浏览量:721
Am I eligible for government pricing?

Mathematica Pricing


Mathematica licensing for government and personal use. 


Eligibility & FAQ


1. Am I eligible for government pricing?


Government pricing is available to employees of federal, state and local government agencies and government-funded institutions. Mathematica can be used on your personal computer or a computer that is owned by the institution, but may not be used for commercial purposes.


Orders must be placed using an institutional credit card or official purchase order.


2. Can I install my license on multiple machines?


Each single-machine Mathematica license may only be installed on a single machine. However, when you purchase a desktop license, it comes with a one-year service plan that provides you with a personal-use license to install on a personally owned machine. You can continue to use this personal-use license for as long as your service plan is active.


Mathematica | Online is a single-user license, and doesn't require a local installation—so you can sign in from anywhere and on any internet-enabled computer or mobile device through a web browser or the Wolfram Cloud app. The software licensing restricts you from accessing the product from more than one machine at a time. If you want to access Mathematica | Online from multiple machines simultaneously, please purchase multiple subscriptions.


3. What are the benefits of my service plan?

Our service plans are the most economical way to keep your licenses up to date and fully supported—offering benefits like product upgrades, priority support and access on a second personal computer.


Key benefits include:


For a complete list of benefits included with each service plan, visit the Service Plans page.


4. How long do my service benefits last?

Service benefits remain active for one year. To keep access to your benefits, service must be renewed each year.

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