GoldView is a schema structure browser. It displays information on the structure and properties of schema objects. It is a read-only tool. It is useful for developers who need to know information about the objects in a schema but don't want to type the data dictionary queries. It also allows safe browsing of schema information without the fear of accidentally damaging the database.
• Supported Client Operating systems: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Terminal Server/Citrix, 32bit and 64bit.
• Supports Oracle 8.0 - 12, SQLNet 2.x - Net12 (including 'Instant Client')
• Displays objects in all accessible schemas
• Colored syntax highlighting
• Full Unicode support
• Displays objects in all accessible schemas
• Show information on tables, views, triggers, indexes, synonyms, sequences, types and code modules
• Shows structure, keys, constraints, indexes (including function based), stored code, DDL (CREATE SCRIPTS) and more!