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ApexSQL Monitor

The future of SQL monitoring

Monitor, detect, and solve SQL Server performance problems











SQL Server, system and databasemetrics monitoring

Monitor the most important SQLServer, system and database performance parameters such as longest runningtransactions, page life expectancy, buffer cache hit ratio, processorutilization, available memory, database size, log growth and many more








Query waits and blocking queriesmonitoring and alerting

Capture query wait times forindividual and blocking queries. Review query performance history. Get alertedwhenever a wait time exceeds predefined threshold values







Monitor SQL query performance

Detect the slowest queries by CPU,execution time or I/O






Wait type statistics

Review collected waitstatistics including detailed information on the top 5 wait stats categories toquickly identify performance issues and bottlenecks

Query execution plan viewer

Analyze problematic queries bydisplaying the query execution plan using an integrated query execution planviewer.









Analyze SQL Server performance bygenerating different report types.






Performance base lining

Configure server performancebaselines for a desired date range.



SQL Server and database statusmonitoring

Monitor servers and databases toensure availability and identify issues early



Custom metrics

Create custom metrics to be monitoredalong with standard metrics. Use set of predefined Windows OS system metrics oradd custom SQL Server or database metrics


Metric history

Easily navigate through the chartshistory via the date/time slider



Get alerted when a metric reaches itspredefined threshold value with 24/7 notifications


Individual alert management

Review, resolve or add comments onresolutions for individual alerts. Create reports for resolved alerts



Email alerting

Send an email whenever an alert israised. Send individual or summary alert reports via multiple email profiles



Alert actions

Execute SQL scripts, shell commands,or use SNMP notifications when an alert is raised


User security

Define users assigned to differentroles to increase monitoring security and reliability




Configurable monitoring

Enable or disable metrics andcustomize details



Server information summary

Check information and alert summaryfor one, some, or all SQL Servers


Custom charts view

Create custom tabs with preferredcharts and metrics


Logarithmic scale y-axis

Display large data ranges withouthiding small but critical variations.



Deadlock analysis

Set up a deadlock alert action andsave details, including a graphical presentation of the deadlock




Maintenance periods

Set recurring or one-time maintenanceperiod intervals schedule to suspend alerting or monitoring ofspecified SQLServer instances


SQL Server grouping

Group servers with similar propertiesto aggregate alerts and details for all servers in the group



Choose between dark and light coloredlayout


Web interface

The 2017 version of ApexSQL Monitorwill feature a fully Web interface for dynamic viewing and configuration.


System requirements

Hardware requirements Quad-core 3.0 GHz CPU (the specification considers monitoring of 5 SQL Server instances with medium to high activity)

 4 GB memory

 30 GB disk space (for 7 days data retention policy - this is an average requirement based on real word use cases, but this could further vary depending on the monitoring instances state/activity) 

SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, and 2005 

OS Windows Vista/Server 2008 and above

Required  Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 


Central instance requires Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or greater

 Native support for the x64 architecture

 Microsoft SQL Server Express edition is not recommended for the central repository, due to the database size limitation

 The additional requirements are described in the  ApexSQL Monitor - Permissions and requirements knowledgebase article 




  ApexSQL Idera Solarwinds SQL Sentry
      AlwaysOn Availability Groups  
      Custom SQL metrics
      Custom system metrics
      Failover clusters  
      SQL Agent status  
      Query performance  
      Query waits
      VMware 2017 R2
      Hyper-V 2017 R2  
      Alert actions  
      Alert baselines
      SNMP traps
      Query level alerts  
      Exporting to PDF, Excel  
      Internal report viewer
      Report generation
      Scheduled reports 2017 R2
Performance issues analysis
      Metric troubleshooting  
      Analysis 2017 R2  
      Alert snoozing*  
      Maintenance periods
      Web console 2017 R1    
      Full web version 2017 R1  
      Blocking detection
      Deadlock detection
      Graphical query execution plans
      Repository purging
      Server grouping
      User profiles