The OSS® PER Encoding Analyzer is a diagnostic tool sold separately from the basic encoder/decoder toolkit. It was developed specifically to give tools such as protocol analyzers direct control over formatting and display of the output, while showing the fields of the PER (Packed Encoding Rules) output in great detail. This tool is highly recommended for those with a need to constantly parse PER-encoded messages.
The tool acts as an interpreter, describing a message using PER in terms of human-readable text, allowing you to see quickly if the message contains what you expect it to contain (with all the fields of the corresponding data structure (i.e. PDU) resolved and labeled).
PER Encoding Analyzer is an excellent debugging tool. For example, if you meet a problem on the "receiver" side, such as the "receiver" not understanding the encoded message which came from a "sender" written by some other manufacturer, there's no need to spend a lot of time manually parsing the PER-encoded message. The ossPrintPER() function can help find the location of the problem.
Both variants of PER, ALIGNED and UNALIGNED, are supported. You can customize the generated output, as well as custom print and analyze the PER encodings by accepting as input your own print function.