If you need a signature font to sign thousands of documentations, you don't need to look any further. Barcodesoft signature font is exactly what you need.
After your order gets through, please scan your signature and send to us as email attachment. For better signature font quality, scanned image resolution should be at least 300 DPI.
A signature font is a vector. Therefore you can scale your signature measurement by changing point size.
Your satisfaction is our first priority. Signature font is provided to you in both true type format (*.ttf) and PostScript format (*.afm, *.inf, *.pfb, and *.pfm on Windows platform, *.bin on Mac) and PCL(Printer Control Language).
You can also create your own signature image online if you are proficient with your mouse on Internet Explorer. This image can be used for generating signature font.
It's smart and simple solution to use Barcodesoft signature font for signing your documents.