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Chesapeake--Welcome to SonarWiz

Chesapeake--Welcome to SonarWiz

Chesapeake--Welcome to SonarWiz


SonarWiz is the industry all-in-one solution for geophysical and hydrographic surveys, along with archaeological, pipeline and environmental investigations. The software features intuitive and easy to use tools, robust data acquisition and processing options, providing the operator with flexible reporting tools to get the job done.




View and analyze Sidescan data in real time with the industry’s most complete seafloor mapping solution. Enjoy SonarWiz’s easy-to-use survey management tools, reliable data acquisition, powerful post-processing, and flexible reporting options. Used by hundreds worldwide including NOAA, NAVO and USGS.




Explore sediment layers in-depth with SonarWiz for Sub-Bottom Profilers with real-time data acquisition and post-processing modules. The sub-bottom profiler package also includes navigation, fathometer and magnetometer inputs so you get a broad perspective of a survey area.




Collecting and processing bathymetry data is a breeze with the SonarWiz workflow and toolset. From the helm display, with a Plan View, Coverage Map and directional indicators, to the automatic, whole survey gain optimization – you can produce near seamless amplitude mosaics right off the boat with little effort.




Help dive teams and recovery personnel locate underwater artifacts, treasures and pipelines you seek to find, map, or recover with SonarWiz for Magnetometry. Magnetometry data for ferrous-object detection, co-recorded with sidescan or sub-bottom data, provides a valuable new layer of information.



Release notes - SonarWiz - 8.02.00 (07 January 2025)



WIZ-2942 Add support for vertical amplitude geotiffs for NOAA deliverables

WIZ-3017 Create a color mapping option to match each file's color and brightness.

WIZ-3245 Add decimals to XY coordinates in SEGP export

WIZ-3254 Add samples per channel to Project Summary Report

WIZ-3294 Add 2 new features to NMEAWiz -

WIZ-3355 Make cores stand-alone objects with properties

WIZ-3356 Add support to add \(.\) annotation to renaming CSF files

WIZ-3401 Signal window in Bathy waterfall to have vertical scale for depth

WIZ-3416 Support exporting COG \(Cloud Optimized Geotiff\) Geotiff files.

WIZ-3421 SonarWiz SEGY Export - add the ability to change the Map Scalar to the CSF to SEGY tool.

WIZ-3438 GeoTiff Export resolution is capped at .06m. Increase availability to .1m


System Requirements


SonarWiz is tested and supported on Microsoft Windows 10 through Microsoft Windows 11

SonarWiz is tested and supported on Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure instances running Microsoft Windows

Installation must be performed by an account with admin privileges

The installation drive requires about 2.0 GB of free disk space

Minimum of 8 GB of RAM

Graphics card must have full support for DirectX11

Minimum supported screen resolution is 1024 x 768


Main Screen


The SonarWiz screen consists of a main window, menus, toolbars, and docking areas for optional windows. The main window, known as the Map Window, is used for the display of georeferenced data. Basemap images and survey lines may be added to the map display to provide visual reference. Digitized features and targets can also be displayed on this map.

Main Display

The main display window provides an interactive 2D map view of all of the sonar data loaded into the project along with any basemaps, features, contacts and map decorations selected for display.

Quick Access Toolbar 

The quick access toolbar provides functions to create new projects, load existing projects and save the current project. It also provides access to the project settings and the program settings.   Clicking the large SonarWiz icon reveals a larger version of the menu with text descriptions of the icons, it also displays a list of the recently opened projects. See Quick Access Toolbar for more information.


Command Ribbon

The Command Ribbon is a collection of useful buttons and controls divided into 7 pages or tabs. The tabs are organized by the task you are performing such as Data Acquisition or Post Processing. Most of the functionality of SonarWiz can be accessed directly from the command ribbon. Note that some tabs may not be present if you do not have the required license for those commands.

Mapping Toolbar

The Mapping Toolbar provides basic controls for manipulating the Map Display including pan and zoom functions, selection tools and controls for plotting contacts and features on the map.


Project Explorer

The Project Explorer lists every object loaded into a SonarWiz project and groups them according to object type. You can enable or disable objects here, and by right-clicking objects, access the object-specific context menus that provide actions that you can perform on these objects.



Properties Window

When an object is selected in the Project Explorer, the Properties Window displays detailed information about the selected object. Many properties such as the color pallet of an object can be manipulated directly in the dialog.


Connection Status Area

The connection status area of the Status Bar indicates the up or down status of real-time navigation and sonar connections. It also provides a direct link to the CTI Support site and a refresh command to redraw the screen


Output Message Log

The Output Message Log window displays ongoing status information generated by SonarWiz as it runs. The complete log can be opened from the Tools Menu.


Cursor Information

The Cursor Information section of the Status Bar indicates the geographic location of the cursor in the map window, the same location in projected coordinates and when over a bathymetry surface, the value of the surface.


Color Window

The Color Window controls the color palette display for global data types such as sidescan, bathymetry and sub-bottom displays.


SonarWiz Projects


SonarWiz Project is the container or context in which all data collection and post-processing is performed.


Physically, it is a collection of folders and files on the hard disk. Together, these folders and files store the settings and parameters for the projects (e.g. the geographic location and coordinate system) as well as the processed sonar data and other ancillary data such as targets, digitized features and reports. All project files and folders are located under a root folder – the Project folder.


Z Most functions in SonarWiz require that you have opened a project

The primary SonarWiz functions such as Data Acquisition, Post Processing and Map will not work unless a project (new or existing) is open.


When SonarWiz first starts it will either open the last edited project (if this has been specified in Advanced Settings window) in or it will start with the Open Existing Project dialog. From this menu, the user may select an existing project for editing.


If the user wishes to create a new project click the Cancel button to close the Open Existing Project dialog and show the SonarWiz interface that has no current project. From this dialog the user may Create a New ProjectOpen Existing Project or simply use the Tools Menu functions.


When a new project is created, SonarWiz will create the project folder with the name you specify and will then create all necessary sub-folders and files. You should not delete or rename any of these folders or files.


Basemaps and Overlays


SonarWiz provides the ability to display multiple reference maps and images in the main view in addition to the sonar mosaic and other geographically referenced items (targets, survey lines and digitized features). These maps can be used to provide a visual  reference during and after a survey, and also to enhance the quality of the data prior to incorporation into reports and presentations. Basically a basemap is typically a nautical chart, and goes UNDER (behind) the sonar data display layer. Overlays, would typically be presented OVER (on top of) the sonar data display layer.


Map Data Types


Compatible map data types fall into two broad categories:


Raster Maps


A raster map is a file structure in which the map or image is stored as a rectangular grid of cells or “pixels”. The numeric value of each pixel represents the color, intensity, amplitude or some other attribute value of the area covered by the pixel.


Examples of raster maps are: JPG satellite images, Nautical charts and GeoTiffs.


Vector Maps


A vector map is a file structure in which map elements (lines, points, and polygons) are stored as discrete geometric points and vectors defined by one or more coordinate pairs. Examples of vector maps are S-57 Charts, ESRI Shapefiles (SHP) and USGS Digital Line Graphs.


Map Display Types


Reference maps can be displayed as either basemaps or overlays. The difference between these two display types has to do with the display order relative to the sonar mosaic.




Basemaps are drawn “under” the sonar mosaic. Thus, the sonar data will obscure the basemap in areas where there is overlap. Basemaps are typically raster images – for example aerial photos, satellite images or nautical charts, but both vector and raster maps can be a basemap.




Overlays are reference maps or drawings that are displayed “over” the sonar mosaic. Since the elements in an overlay will obscure the parts of the mosaic that they cover, it is usual for an overlay to be a vector file. In most cases, a raster image overlay would completely cover up the underlying mosaic.
