The Chart FX API and Properties List
Chart FX features a new powerful API, with the Visual Studio object model in mind. It is now much easier to access complex functionality and integrate complex charts to your C# or VB.NET applications as objects and classes are more recognizable and easier to code.
If you have already used the Chart FX Smart Tag Wizard and you still have not achieved the desired results you can still use to the chart Properties list which provides a more granular and detailed access to the control’s API at design time. For your convenience, the Chart FX 7 properties list has been completely redesigned according to the different elements and features that it supports.
Chart FX makes use of complex properties to reduce the amount of properties available in the properties list and to allow developers to easily locate and configure the properties for a particular chart object.
For example, Configuring gridlines in the chart’s Y Axis is as simple as opening the AxisY property in the Properties list and setting the properties inside the Grids property located in that object. From here, you can configure the many settings available to a gridline like color, thickness and style.
Also, for those chart elements that are even more complex, Chart FX provides additional dialogs:
Finally, Chart FX 7 features dynamic properties that accommodate certain chart settings. For example, if you select the Pie/Doughnut types, Chart FX will dynamically display only the properties that apply to such chart types in the Gallery property, making it simpler for developers to locate and set the appropriate properties.