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McDSP: DE555 Advanced De-esser

McDSP: DE555 Advanced De-esser

Reducing Sibilance

More aggressive de-essing settings for background vocals allow the lead vocal to stand out more, as the lead vocalist articulation comes out, while the background vocals remain, well, in the background.


When using DE555 HF only mode, the frequency shift control will move around the HF only processing as much as one octave below or above the selected key frequency. Very useful for attenuating different frequencies other than the original key frequency.

Smooth Guitar Tone

Fret squeaks produced by the guitar player can be reduced using a de-esser. The same tips apply as when de-essing a vocal or dialog track - too much can sound unnatural - so don’t overdo it.

"McDSP is all over Magnum Opus Broadcasting... the DE555 and 6060 are on various interview clips. A show like this is mixed 'in the box', so it's important to have the finest tools by your side."

Steve Levine       Music Producer, Songwriter, Broadcaster (Culture Club, Westworld, The Beach Boys)


–Advanced de-essing technology

–Unique key filter focus and de-essing controls

–Real-time metering and key filter response plot

–High frequency (HF) only option

–Double precision processing

–Zero latency

–Collection of presets from award winning mix engineers

–Mono and stereo versions


–HD: AAX DSP/Native, AU, VST3

–Native: AAX Native, AU, VST3


The Power of De-Essing

Any source with abrasive high-end can be not only annoying to listen to, but it can also border on painful in some cases.

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Filter Type

Choose between a high pass or band pass filter.

Key Listen

Press the “Listen” button to monitor only the filtered signal to make sure that what is being compressed is exactly the right frequency.

Shift Control

When using DE555 HF only mode, the frequency shift control will move around the HF only processing as much as one octave below or above the selected key frequency.

Display Graph

The graphs in this section visualize the frequencies that are being keyed in and the amount of compression being applied.

IO Meters

Accurately monitor the input and output levels with these meters.

HF Exclusive

This switch toggles the compression to either only compress the signal that has been keyed in, or the entire signal.

