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Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS

The Fastest Remote Access Solution for Visual SourceSafe


Some of Our Awesome Features

Dynamsoft’s SourceAnywhere for VSS is the fastest Internet and cross-platform Visual SourceSafe (VSS) solution. It is a Microsoft-recommended solution for VSS 6.0 and 2005 users. SourceAnywhere for VSS delivers fast, reliable and secure access to SourceSafe over TCP/IP.


Outstanding performance over the Internet


More reliable security in a web environment


Solve occasional database corruptions

Help teams work better

Featuring our delta transfer compression and Cache Server for added remote responsiveness, SourceAnywhere for VSS is up to 100 times faster than Visual SourceSafe during remote use. While a local team is using VSS, a remote team can use SourceAnywhere for VSS to access the same VSS database from the web.

Join these companies that use our product

SourceAnywhere for VSS allowed the developers to keep their productivity on par with development deadlines.Tracy Reynolds

Manager, Technology

Continental Airlines


  • High Performance Remote Access

    • 100+ times faster than Visual SourceSafe (VSS) Explorer over internet

    • Delta Transfer (Professional Edition Only). Only the difference of the files is transferred in Check In, Check Out, Get and Undo Check Out operations

    • The data is compressed (zip) before transfer

    • Compresses multiple files together to increase compression ratio and reduce the number of file transfer round trip

    • Multi-thread file transfer

  • Distributed Development

    • Client-server architecture. No file system access overheads

    • Cache Server.  Requested server files are cached on the cache server to speed the client access.

    • Time zone offset management

  • Enhanced Security

    • 128-bit Blowfish is used to protect the data

    • SSL is used to protect the data

    • Password Policy. Protect your password with strong passwords

    • Client-server architecture. No need to expose the Visual SourceSafe (VSS) database folder

  • Cross Platform (Professional Edition Only) 
    With a Java client, in addition to the standard Windows client, SAW can run on any platform where Java Virtual Machine can run, including Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, SCO Unix, FreeBSD and so on. 
    "Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS is recommended by Microsoft as a cross platform solution for Visual SourceSafe."

  • Less Database Corruption
    During lengthy SourceSafe internet operations, one network glitch can leave your VSS database corrupted. SourceAnywhere for VSS significantly reduces the database corruption by transferring the files to the server first and then operating on your VSS database in LAN.

  • IDE Integration

    • Supports Eclipse IDE Integration/Eclipse plug-in  (Professional Edition Only)

    • Supports Macromedia DreamWeaver MX 2004 Integration (Professional Edition Only)

    • Supports Microsoft Visual Studio 6/2003/2005/2008/2010/2012/2013 and .NET IDE Integration

    • Supports IBM Rational Rapid Developer 2003 IDE Integration

    • Supports Borland Delphi 8.0 IDE Integration

    • Supports the Microsoft Source Code Control Interface (MSSCCI)

    • Can be integrated with any MSSCCI compatible IDEs

  • Build Automation

    • ANT Plug-in to provide automatic build support

    • CruiseControl.NET Plug-in to provide continuous integration support

  • SDK

    • Java SDK to build your own cross-platform SourceSafe remote access solution (Professional Edition Only)

    • COM SDK to build your own SourceSafe remote access solution on Windows platform (Professional Edition Only)

  • Powerful Operations 
    Almost all the Visual SourceSafe (VSS) operations are supported: Add Files, Create Project, Delete Files or Projects, Get Latest Version, Check Out, Check In, Undo Check Out, Move, Deploy, Share, Branch, View, Edit, Show Difference, Set Working Folder, Refresh File List, Refresh Project Tree, Stop Current Operation, Show Properties, Show History, Label, Pin, Rename, Change Password, Cloak Project, Status Search, Wildcard Search.

  • Broad Connectivity

    • Supports all TCP/IP connections, such as PPP, ISDN, ADSL, etc.

    • Supports SOCKS 4, SOCKS 5 and HTTP proxy

  • Miscellaneous Features

    • Similar GUI with Visual SourceSafe (VSS)

    • Easy to deploy. Built from scratch in C++, SourceAnywhere for VSS needs no additional components or frameworks

    • All operations are cancelable. The application never hangs up due to network problem

    • Easy server management with Server Manager and Cache Server Managera

