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Dynamsoft Barcode Reader for Android

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader for Android

Barcode Scanner SDK | Android

With Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK, developers can easily transform Android mobile phones, tablets and wearable devices into enterprise-grade barcode scanning and data capture tools.

You can also search "Barcode Scanner X" in Google play or scan this QR Code to download the demo APP.


  • Supports barcode decoding where the image source contains one barcode
  • Supports barcode recognition both synchronously and asynchronously
  • Decodes bar codes printed on various surfaces - passports, ID cards, boxes, VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) on vehicles, documents, etc.
  • Reads barcodes at different orientations and locations
  • Reads bar codes without a quiet zone
  • Supports barcode scanning from either image (Bitmap) or camera
  • The Android barcode scanner SDK is provided as a .aar file. It can be easily imported into Android Studio for use. For developers who are not familiar with Android Studio programming, they can unzip the .aar file to extract .so and .jar files

Platform support of Dynamsoft's Android barcode scanner API

  • Android 4.1 or higher;
  • Supported ABI: armeabi-v7a/arm64-v8a

Support for All Major Barcode Types

Dynamsoft's barcode scanner library works on assortment of barcode types including:

Linear Barcode Types

Include Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, Codabar, Interleaved 2 of 5, EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A, UPC-E, Industrial 2 of 5

2d Barcodes

QR code, Datamatrix and PDF417 recognition are supported.


