Dynamsoft Barcode Reader C/C++ API for Mac
Using Dynamsoft Barcode Reader C++ API for Mac
Dynamsoft's Barcode Reader SDK provides C++ and C APIs for Mac. You can use the barcode APIs to easily create a barcode reading software for Mac.In this article, I am going to demonstrate how to use the C++ barcode reading API for Mac to build a Command Line Application for 1D and 2D barcode recognition on Mac OS X.
New a Command Line Tool
First, let's open Xcode.
Choose Command Line Tool as the project template, and under Type select C++ stdc++. Let's name the project BarcodeReaderDemo.
Add references
In the main.cpp, please include the .H files.
In our case, if you have Barcode Reader installed under Applications, the path will be"/Applications/Dynamsoft/Barcode Reader 4.1/Include/If_DBRP.h."
#include "/Applications/Dynamsoft/Barcode Reader 4.1/Include/If_DBRP.h"
Copy the main function
Next, insert the following code to the main function.
int main ( int argc, const char * argv[ ] )
//Define variables
const char * pszImageFile = "";
int iIndex = 0;
int iRet = -1;
//Initialize license prior to any decoding
CBarcodeReader reader;
//Initialize ReaderOptions
ReaderOptions ro = {0};
ro.llBarcodeFormat = OneD; //Expected barcode types to read.
ro.iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = 100; //Expected barcode numbers to read.
reader.SetReaderOptions ( ro );
//Start decoding
iRet = reader.DecodeFile( pszImageFile );
//If not DBR_OK
if ( iRet != DBR_OK )
printf( "Failed to read barcode: %d\r\n%s\r\n",
iRet,GetErrorString(iRet) );
return iRet;
pBarcodeResultArray paryResult = NULL;
printf("%d total barcodes found. \r\n",paryResult->iBarcodeCount);
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < paryResult->iBarcodeCount; iIndex++)
printf("Result %d\r\n", iIndex + 1);
printf("PageNum: %d\r\n", paryResult->
printf("BarcodeFormat: %lld\r\n", paryResult->
printf("Text read: %s\r\n", paryResult->
//Finally release BarcodeResultArray
return 0;
Select linked library
Select Targets -> BarcodeReaderDemo, click Info button, in the popped dialog, addlibDynamsoftBarcodeReader.dylib dependency.
Update license and source image
Please update the and with valid values respectively in the code.
For image path, you can use AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.tif in Images folder.
For license key, please find it in BarcodeReaderTrialLic.txt.
const char * pszImageFile = "/Applications/Dynamsoft/Barcode Reader 4.1/
Now you can build the project and have a run.
Barcode result
To verify if it is working, please open Terminal.app, and execute the application.