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Aspose.Words for SharePoint


Aspose.Words for SharePoint 

Aspose.Words for SharePoint makes it possible to convert and combine word documents within Microsoft SharePoint applications. It supports format conversion with high fidelity, and can be used to generate reports with data from SQL databases, XML files or SharePoint lists.

An overview of Aspose.Words for SharePoint features.

 Workflow Support
  • Convert via Aspose.Words

  • Make Reports

 Conversion Options
  • Files in Sub-folders

  • File Concatenation

  • Save to Destination Folder

  • Overwrite Existing Files

  • Browse to Destination Folder


Advanced SharePoint Word Processing App Features

Use Aspose.Words for SharePoint in SharePoint workflows

Concatenate multiple files during conversion

Convert documents from SharePoint libraries to many different formats

Develop custom SharePoint solution via public API

Generate reports using data from SQL databases, SharePoint lists or XML
