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Structural analysis and design and verification of planar and spatial bar structures.

Tool designed for Structural engineers

Data is intuitively entered in the program - the construction geometry can be defined using only a mouse. The program works with CAD-type applications and the ArCADia-ARCHITECTURE system.


Basic function generators are available.

ArCADia-RAMA contains a library of rolled and cold-formed profiles, reinforced concrete and timber elements. The program can be used for easy insertion of planar and spatial bar structures, both small systems comprising a number of bars, and large 3D structures containing hundreds of bars and nodes.


Therefore, it is possible to design such construction systems as: multi-level and multi-bay frames, planar and spatial trusses, lattice towers, membrane structures, bar grates, etc. The program makes it possible to work with design and verification modules according to Eurocodes: EuroReinforcedConcrete, EuroFooting, EuroWood, EuroSteel, EuroSteel BUILT-UP.


          EuroSteel BUILT-UP






What’s new in ArCADia-RAMA 3D 19?

Added the possibility of defining selected parameters of the annexes of national Eurocode norms.


Separation of the joint definition window in the program: into a window for defining the general geometry of the joint, launched when defining the joint, and a window for selecting a set of forces for design and verification, initiated after launching the design and verification of a given joint.


A new orientation view of the global coordinate system has been introduced, maintaining the existing colors, and clearly marking the direction of the axis perpendicular to the screen plane.


New icons have been added for all common and predefined flat views, seen in the principal planes of the global coordinate system.


The mode selection tool (free planar - spatial between nodes) has been abandoned in favor of selecting the appropriate view in which to enter model elements (in one of the principal planes or at any turn of the global coordinate system).

Separated into separate functions the single and continuous input of bar elements (with joint or fixed nodes) into the model.


In the case of not selecting any bar or node of the system, it was made possible to set loads by indicating the type of load and then its location on the model (indicating the bar, node, or location on the bar - depending on the selected type of load).


Added an option to allow that when entering bars in a sequence, at any time you can lock the cursor with the right mouse button and switch to rotation of the coordinate system with the left mouse button (unlock the cursor again with the right mouse button or via ESC).


The Separate selected function has been added for selected underlays and bars, which hides all model elements (bars and underlays) except selected elements.


On the Results tab, there is a separate panel for displaying load groups with the appropriate heading "Scheme of groups building extremes" for the envelope or extremes of a combination or Global diagrams for the sum of groups / Global diagrams for combinations in other cases.

On the main toolbar, the ability to insert fully fixed and fully joint supports in layout nodes or on a bar with automatic creation of a node at the location of the inserted support has been added.

On the main toolbar, the ability to insert a node on a bar with automatic node division of the bar has been added.


At the bottom of the main graphic window, in the graphic toolbar, a slider has been made available that allows you to change the scale for individual graphic elements of the project selected from the list.


The function of lengthening to the indicated border has been supplemented with the function of shortening to the border (real and virtual).


The Parameters editing window for individual bars of the model has been introduced.


For the basic elements of the project: nodes, bars, supports and loads, access to the window for editing the properties of a given element was made possible by double clicking on this element.

On the graphical screen, the extremes of the reactions for the envelopes and combinations are displayed in bold and in black.


Added option to hatch diagrams of force, stress, and deformation.

A checkbox for Hatching force, stress, and deformation diagrams has been added to the Settings window: None / Analyzed bar / All bars 

In the Settings window, a check box has been added for the Diagram hatch type (forces, stresses, and deformations): Linear / Solid / Linear and Solid


On the Results tab, in the Global diagrams section, a button to quickly turn on diagram hatching has been introduced.

In the Surface loads edition window, two buttons have been added that enable / disable, respectively, the numbering of nodes and bars (or their projections) displayed in this window.


Shortening or lengthening the indicated single or several bars (indicated by a fence) to the previously marked boundaries or their virtual extension.


Merging selected profiles in the Section edit window when the profile after merging contains a maximum of one opening.


The function of selecting (Ctrl + Alt) and deselecting (Ctrl + Shift + Alt) bars together with their nodes in an intersecting or enclosing window has been introduced.


Extension of the Section editor window with new parameters (perimeter, position of plastic axes, etc.) and new editing functions (selective selection, merging, etc.).


An automatic mode of dividing bars by the node of an adjoining element with a fixed or jointed connection has been introduced, depending on the set mode of bar insertion: fixed-fixed or joint-joint.

In the Project Properties window, a Project Description tab has been added, which allows adding an extensive description to the project with the option of printing it in the report.

Added force, stress and deformation values ??marker in global plots.


A switch for setting the automatic mode of dividing bars by the node of an adjoining element has been introduced in the Settings window (set to ON by default). When switching off the marker, the option to divide a bar by a node is confirmed with an appropriate message, as before.

An indication of a jointed bar approaching another bar in the form of an unfilled ball has been introduced.

In the Settings window, the possibility to choose the indication of a jointed bar approach to another bar has been introduced in the form of a ball or the existing offset (depending on the user's choice). The default option is a connection symbolized by an unfilled ball.


The possibility of dividing the surface load into load zones of various shapes (regular, irregular) and load values in a given zone has been introduced.

An additional, selectable type of gradient of stress distribution: normal, tangent and reduced for the stress analysis in a bar cross-section has been introduced.

Export of all types of spot footings together with the calculated reinforcement from the EuroFooting calculation module to the ArCADia-REINFORCED CONCRETE COMPONENT script module has been made possible.


A generator of three-layer, flat structural coverings has been introduced.

