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Phrase Translate

Phrase Translate

Boost translation workflows with AI-powered machine translation software

Create quality translations with less hassle to work faster and cheaper. Our Phrase TMS add-on provides unlimited machine translation for post-editing workflows so linguists can work more efficiently.



Leverage instant translations

Start translating immediately using our fully-managed engines from leading machine translation tool providers like Amazon, DeepL, Google, and Microsoft. We handle quality testing, legal and security evaluation, setup, and payment of machine translation engines for you.




Reach the next level of machine translation

Phrase NextMT is the first TMS-ready MT engine. It leverages your translation memory fuzzy matches to increase translation quality by up to 50%.


Choose the optimal engine for every translation, automatically

Work with the best engine, auto-selected based on your language pair and content type. That has a bigger effect than you might think–according to our data, the best-performing engine rarely gets selected manually.




Post-edit only where needed

See how much post-editing is required right away. Every machine-translated segment has a score based on past performance data. Scores are available for linguists in the editor and for project managers through reports to streamline the post-editing process.




