Lasergene Genomics
Comprehensive NGS software for genomics, transcriptomics and clinical research.
Lasergene Genomics stands apart in the fields of genomics and transcriptomics. Powered by SeqMan NGen, our revolutionary and easy-to-use assembler, the software enables you to set up complex genomic sequencing projects in mere minutes, and automates tasks that typically require extensive manual intervention in other software packages.
Intuitive project setup and analysis, combined with our patented assembly algorithms, allow you to assemble and align your NGS data with unsurpassed ease and speed, so that you can focus on the results. No more switching between software tools to assemble sequences, identify important variants, and determine differentially expressed genes. Everything you need is here.
Lasergene Genomics Workflows
ChIP-Seq Data Analysis
Use Lasergene Genomics to easily assemble and perform peak detection on your ChIP-Seq data, getting you to comprehensive ChIP-Seq data analysis quicker.
ChIP-Seq data analysis is often a cumbersome process, requiring tedious project setup and time-consuming, complicated data manipulation. Lasergene Genomics makes it quick and easy to set up your ChIP-Seq analysis project, by offering an easy-to-use wizard that guides you through project setup in minutes. The software also includes several different customizable options for variant detection, normalization, and peak detection. Select binding proteins from the Transcription Factor Database, by using a type-in pattern, or by using a position weight matrix to identify binding sites. Following your ChIP-Seq data assembly, easily analyze genes near peaks using live, interactive views and comprehensive filtering tools. Utilize gene ontology to identify the relationship between genes with particular biological functions or to determine the relative importance of genes in specific processes. Visualize peaks to interpret gene expression and regulation in GenVision Pro, and create high-quality, highly customizable images for publication. Use the ChIP-Seq analysis tools in Lasergene Genomics to achieve comprehensive results quicker!
Clinical Research
Set up your clinical research projects in minutes using Lasergene Genomics automated pipeline for human genome analysis.
Clinical research software has become more widely available in recent years, as the demand for workflows such as trio analysis, paired tumor-normal comparisons, and rare variant studies has grown. However, most commercially available software for human genome analysis requires extensive work up-front in preparing a project for assembly and eventual analysis. Lasergene Genomics stands apart in the field of clinical research software in part because of SeqMan NGen, our revolutionary wizard that enables you to set up your entire genome or exome resequencing project in mere minutes. SeqMan NGen automates tasks that typically require extensive manual intervention, including automatically organizing experiments and replicates, built-in access to diverse genome template packages for humans and model organisms, automatic incorporation of BED and VCF files, and automatic detection, annotation, and analysis of variants. Following assembly, the human genome analysis tools available in Lasergene Genomics make it possible to immediately begin extensive multi-sample variant comparisons, identify statistically significant variants, and explore relevant genes that intersect with variants of interest.
De Novo Genome Assembly
Use Lasergene Genomics for easy and accurate de novo genome assembly.
De novo genome assembly is a method for constructing genomes from a large number of DNA fragments, with no prior knowledge of the correct sequence or order of those fragments. This can be a very difficult computational problem and often presents issues of speed and accuracy due to the large volume of sequences, the presence of repeated regions, and the significant amount of RAM required.
Lasergene Genomics makes it easy to perform a de novo assembly by guiding you through various approaches to meet your needs. Powered by SeqMan NGen, our revolutionary genome assembly software, users can set up complex sequencing projects in mere minutes with task automation features that facilitate de novo sequence assembly with unsurpassed ease and speed, even on modestly equipped computers.
In addition to the traditional de novo workflow, often most useful with mate pair or paired-end data, Lasergene Genomics offers several genome finishing workflows, for error correction and refinement of draft genomes. We also offer several workflows (currently in beta) for de novo assembly and polishing of long read sequencing data from Oxford Nanopore and PacBio, including PacBio Hifi reads.
Whatever your approach, Lasergene Genomics creates the most accurate, complete assemblies possible and provides you with detailed statistics for each fully-editable assembly, as well as excellent visualization and post-assembly analysis tools.
De Novo Transcriptome Assembly
Simplify de novo transcriptome assembly using the automated pipeline in Lasergene Genomics.
De novo transcriptome assembly is a powerful technique in the study of non-model organisms, but transcriptomics data analysis often presents significant challenges due to the vast amounts of data and the common difficulties faced when removing contaminants, identifying and annotating transcripts, and using assembled transcripts in downstream analysis. Lasergene Genomics’ transcriptome assembly tools present solutions to all of these issues. Our patented clustering and assembling algorithms can handle virtually any size data set on a desktop computer, eliminating the need for super-computing clusters. Lasergene Genomics automatically removes the most common adapters, as well as any user-specified contaminant sequences, and provides access to our proprietary Transcript Annotation Databases, which use transcript annotations from RefSeq, facilitating assembly and annotation of even the most novel organisms. Once the de novo transcriptome assembly is complete, we provide FASTA files of both identified transcripts and novel transcripts, fully annotated and ready to use in downstream analysis, including using as a reference set for RNA-Seq analysis.
Metagenomic Assembly
Use Lasergene Genomics’ powerful algorithms to align metagenomic sequence data to a diverse reference data set or cluster novel sequences for identification.
Effectively assembling and analyzing metagenomic sequencing data can be challenging, considering the volume of data involved, as well as the many time-consuming steps often required to identify variants, calculate coverage, and remove host DNA. Lasergene Genomics simplifies the process by providing a wizard to walk you through the metagenomic assembly and host removal process from start to finish. Our microbiome analysis software makes it easy to align metagenomic sequencing data to thousands of whole annotated bacterial genomes from NCBI, or to a 16s rRNA database. The powerful algorithms within SeqMan NGen perform metagenomic assemblies with unprecedented speed, getting you from raw data to the analysis stage quicker. SeqMan NGen also offers the ability to perform a metagenomic assembly of novel sequences de novo, or assemble de novo highly variable sequences from HLA, antibody regions, viral populations, or mitochondrial populations. Variant detection and coverage calculations are done automatically for you during the metagenomic assembly process, so that following the assembly, you are ready to analyze contigs, and easily identify which bacterial strains are most abundant in the microbiome.
RNA-Seq Alignment and Analysis
Use Lasergene Genomics to get the whole picture of your RNA-Seq data.
RNA-seq is currently one of the leading technologies available for exploring the transcriptome, which is crucial to connecting the information about a genome with its functional protein expression. But RNA-Seq data analysis can prove to be a challenge for many researchers as the applications for this technology are quite broad. Lasergene Genomics quickly and easily aligns any size RNA-Seq or miRNA data set — from bacteria to human— against a reference genome, and then offers extensive analysis of the aligned data so that you can explore in-depth. Perform statistical analyses of differential gene expression using EdgeR or DESeq2, easily identify genes of interest using comprehensive filtering tools, utilize gene ontologies to identify the relationship between genes with known biological functions, easily visualize and analyze mRNA isoforms using Sashimi plots, see variants detected in the sequencing data, and more. We don’t always know what we are looking for when we begin RNA-Seq analysis. Lasergene Genomics makes it easy to explore points of interest so that you can get the whole picture of your data set.
Variant Analysis
Automated Software for Variant Identification and Analysis
The path from DNA sequencing to genetic variant interpretation can be long and complex. With a myriad of software tools and pipelines available, analyzing variants from raw sequence data can require a mastery of up to a dozen bioinformatics applications and online databases. And each additional step in the pipeline can affect the accuracy and completeness of the results.
Enter Lasergene Genomics, a fully integrated variant analysis and annotation pipeline with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. Lasergene Genomics and its Variant Annotation Database greatly simplify variant analysis so that you can get accurate answers without needing a PhD in bioinformatics.
Use Lasergene Genomics to accurately identify significant variants between multiple data sets
Lasergene Genomics is an automated pipeline that assembles your reads to a template, performs variant calling, and then compares the variants across multiple NGS or long read data sets, all without human intervention.
Our variant calling tools have been proven to be more accurate than both our commercial and open source competitors, so you can rest easy in knowing that you can trust the results.
Easily identify significant variants between multiple experiments through a powerful filtering tools, rich graphical views, and integrated access to large variant databases, including Mastermind, dbSNP, GERP, dbNSFP, and the 1000 Genomes Project. Lasergene Genomics even makes it easy for you to compare and analyze multiple VCF files that come from other NGS software pipelines and annotate them with information from our custom genome template packages for enriched variant analysis.
Variant analysis software features
Viral Genome Analysis
Quickly identify new viral strains.
Going from raw viral genome sequencing data to the eventual identification of new viral strains can be labor-intensive process. With fast-evolving viruses, being able to analyze data quickly is essential. Our viral genome sequencing analysis workflow is available for both Sanger and NGS data, and also includes comprehensive support for PCR-amplified fragments generated using the ARTIC Network protocols. We’ve streamlined this sometimes complicated process so that you can get to the analysis phase quicker. Start by assembling your viral genome sequencing data in SeqMan Ultra to evaluate variants and generate consensus sequences for each sample, then quickly align large groups of genomes in MegAlign Pro with known strains to easily identify and compare variants in the alignment.
Whole Exome/Whole Genome Sequencing
Let Lasergene Genomics do the heavy lifting of whole genome and whole exome sequencing analysis so you can focus on the results.
The sheer volume of data generated from whole exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing presents a challenge for many researchers faced with the prospect of assembling and analyzing it. Whether you are working with whole genome, whole exome, or other targeted sequencing data, the resulting amount of information requires a significant amount of data processing and analysis. Lasergene Genomics enables you to align resequencing data from all major NGS platforms against a reference sequence with unsurpassed ease and speed. Comprehensive post-assembly analysis options make it easy to identify and compare genetic variants as well as structural and non-coding variants. Advanced gene filtering offers the ability to determine the level of disruption to each gene caused by variations. Handling large volumes of data is what Lasergene Genomics was designed to do – let us do the heavy lifting, so you can focus on the results.
Lasergene Genomics Applications
Genomic Sequence Assembly
SeqMan NGen enables you to set up complex genomic sequencing projects in mere minutes, then assembles NGS and long read sequencing data with unsurpassed ease and speed.
Gene Expression and Variant Analysis
ArrayStar’s advanced filtering tools and rich visualizations enable you to easily evaluate gene expression, and identify significant variants across multiple samples.
Sequence Assembly Analysis and Editing
SeqMan Ultra provides post-assembly analysis tools, such as evaluating coverage, analyzing variants within the context of the alignment, and contig editing.
Genomic Visualization Software
Visualize genomic sequencing results such as coverage and peak plots using highly-customizable images that are easily exported for collaboration or publication.
Cloud-Based Storage and Assemblies
DNASTAR Cloud Data Drive provides NGS data management. DNASTAR Cloud Assemblies* utilizes our cloud computing resources to align and assemble your NGS data, freeing up your local computer to do other things.
Compare DNASTAR Lasergene Packages
Lasergene Molecular Biology |
Lasergene Genomics |
Lasergene Protein |
Included Applications |
SeqBuilder Pro |
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SeqMan Ultra |
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MegAlign Pro |
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GeneQuest |
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GenVision |
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SeqNinja |
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SeqMan NGen |
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ArrayStar |
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GenVision Pro |
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Protean 3D (+1 prediction per Nova Application) |
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DNASTAR Navigator |
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