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Sencha IDE Plugins

SenchaIDE Plugins

Developer productivity tool for building cross-platform HTML5 applications with Ext JS and Sencha Touch.


Speed Up Ext JS and Sencha Touch App Development

Sencha IDE plugins provide advanced code generation and code completion functionalities within your favorite Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). With Sencha IDE plugins, you can quickly generate code snippets for framework classes, views, models, controllers, stores, etc. including your own custom classes.

You will love how easy it is to use code completion to quickly write code, generate code snippets, or even refactor code via the IDE plugins. The plugins make it extremely simple to navigate the framework codebase, and even your own custom classes and overrides, enabling the same features for your application code as well.

Sencha IDE plugins support Sencha Ext JS versions 4.2 and later and Sencha Touch versions 2.1 and later, and they come pre-integrated with Sencha Cmd to enable features such as project and workspace creation.

Sencha IDE plugins are available as part of Ext JS Pro and Premium packages. You can try the Sencha IDE Plugins free for 30 days. They are part of the Ext JS trial. The confirmation email includes a link for Eclipse, Visual Studio, and JetBrains Plugins, so you can just select the one you would like to try based on your preferred IDE.


JetBrains Plugins


JetBrains Plugin integrates Sencha frameworks into all commercial versions of JetBrains IDEs includingIntelliJ, WebStorm, PhpStorm, RubyMine, and PyCharm.


Eclipse Plugin


Eclipse Plugin integrates Sencha frameworks into the Mars and Luna versions of the Eclipse IDE.


Visual Studio Plugin


Visual Studio Plugin integrates Sencha frameworks into the Enterprise, Professional, and Community editions of Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.


Sencha Ext JS




Ext JS (HTML5/JavaScript Framework)

Cmd (Build Optimization Tool)

Ext JS Stencils (Design Kit)

1 Year of Maintenance & Support

Visual Studio Code Plugin* (Productivity Tool)

IDE Plugins (Productivity Tools –
JetBrains, Visual Studio IDE, Eclipse)

Architect (Visual App Builder)


Themer (Styling Tool)


Inspector (Debugging Tool)


D3 Adapter (Data Visualization)


Pivot Grid (Data Analytics)


Calendar (Event Management)


Exporter (Data Export)

