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Sencha Architect

Sencha Architect

The ultimate visual app builder for developing cross-platform HTML5 applications on desktop and mobile devices.


Accelerate HTML5 application development using Sencha Architect

Architect empowers your team to build HTML5 applications using drag-and-drop features, so you spend less time on manual coding and your application code is optimized for high performance.

Architect saves developers time by removing the need to type most boilerplate code. Automatic code generation accelerates the development of both desktop and mobile applications. Simply altering properties and configurations of any Ext JS UI component in a WYSIWYG window eliminates the human error that often occurs with manual coding.

Architect is available as part of Ext JS Pro and Premium packages. Try Architect for a free 30-day trial by downloading the Ext JS trial. The confirmation email includes a link for Architect, so you can just select it if you’ve already downloaded Ext JS.


Visual Application Builder

A Visual Application Builder helps you create applications with Ext JS in an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop environment. Every Ext JS component is available for use in your application. The tool also lets you see what your users will see as you are building your application.


Architect User Extensions

Easily add custom components to the list of available framework components. You can build your own framework extensions, or choose one of the many useful extensions from the Sencha community. Extensions can be added to Architect for repeated use.


Application Theming

Architect enables you to import themes that you crate with Themer. Customized themes or modifications you make to the pre-packaged themes can be applied to your applications, so they match the look and feel of your organization’s brand.


Sencha Cmd Integration

Architect is fully integrated with Cmd, which makes it easy to build applications for web deployment or package them for native deployment via all major app stores. Cmd integration automates many tasks associated with Ext JS app development, including production build creation and code minification.


Sencha Ext JS




Ext JS (HTML5/JavaScript Framework)

Cmd (Build Optimization Tool)

Ext JS Stencils (Design Kit)

1 Year of Maintenance & Support

Visual Studio Code Plugin* (Productivity Tool)

IDE Plugins (Productivity Tools –
JetBrains, Visual Studio IDE, Eclipse)

Architect (Visual App Builder)

Themer (Styling Tool)

Inspector (Debugging Tool)

D3 Adapter (Data Visualization)

Pivot Grid (Data Analytics)

Calendar (Event Management)

Exporter (Data Export)
