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MAXQDA Standard


Advanced qualitative & mixed methods research for Windows and Mac.


MAXQDA Standard is the best choice for comprehensive qualitative data analysis of diverse data sets. It works with a wide range of data types and offers powerful tools for advanced coding, retrieval, transcription and visualization, while still being easy to learn and use.


Applicable for a wide range of data

Use MAXQDA Standard to manage your entire research project. Import data from interviews, focus groups, online surveys, web pages, images, audio and video files, spreadsheets, bibliographical data and even YouTube comments and Tweets easily. Organize your material in groups, link relevant quotes to each other, and share and compare work with other members of your team. Your project is always flexible and your code system can be expanded or refined, just like your research.



Code & Retrieve your Datay

Mark important information in your data with different codes by using regular codes, colors, symboyls, or Emojis. Code quickly via drag & drop or with automatic coding for search words and organize your thoughts and theories in Memos that can be stuck to any element of your project. Retrieve coded segments quickly and efficiently with just one click or make use of powerful search tools to test and develop new theories.



Capture your ideas

Great ideas often come up when you’re reading and coding your data. Memos are the perfect place to keep them. Choose from 11 different icons to mark your Memos. The unique MAXQDA Memo Manager and a search function guarantee immediate access to every single Memo at any time. Memos are also great for creating audit trails or paraphrasing passages into your own words.



Find what you’re looking for

MAXQDA offers project-wide searches within documents, Memos or current retrieval results. You can type in single or multiple search strings and combine them using operators. Quickly scroll through each search hit with an interactive search result display and apply a code automatically to all or selected search results. Of course, you can also perform a quick search in each individual window of MAXQDA.



Analyse and transcribe media

Use MAXQDA to code audio and video files directly without creating a transcript first. Or transcribe your media to analyze the written text instead, while always staying connected to the original media clips. MAXQDA has extended transcription functions with which you can adapt the speed or the sound volume of your audio and video files and use foot pedals to speed up the transcription. Media clips are treated like any other segments in MAXQDA. You can code, paraphrase, retrieve, comment and assign a weight to these segments in the same way as with other segments.



The Mixed Methods Expert – Integrate demographics

Integrate quantitative methods or data deeply into your project and use MAXQDAs Mixed Methods tools. Link qualitative data to demographic variables, quantify the results of your qualitative analysis, calculate statistical frequencies, or compare groups based on quantitative as well as qualitative findings in MAXQDA Standard.



Visualize your data and test your theory

Automatically or manually generate stunning visualizations of your data. Look at your data from a completely new perspective for new insights or theory testing. Share your results by exporting them into impressive images to use in your reports and presentations. Or create extensive maps with the on-board mapping tool MAXMaps.



QTT: Collect relevant insights and develop new theories

MAXQDA 2022 introduces a brand new and innovative workspace to gather important visualization, notes, segments, and other analytics results! The new QTT will support you during the analysis phase after coding and is the perfect space to collect relevant insights and develop new theories.



Share your research with the world

Your MAXQDA data is just waiting to be shared with the world! Export parts of your project, single documents, search results or the whole project into easily readable file formats, like Excel, Word. You can also export complete projects into a clear and understandable folder structure. MAXQDA also follows the REFI-QDA standard, which allows you to export and import data from other QDA software packages.



Work with any Language in MAXQDA

MAXQDA offers a variety of possibilities to work with different languages. Not only is the User Interface available in numerous languages but also your analysis can be conducted in every single language of the world. The fact that MAXQDA supports Unicode makes it possible to import and analyze documents in any script and language. Additionally, our international Professional Trainer Network provides the opportunity to participate in multilingual MAXQDA Workshops.





Main User Interface

Use MAXQDA to manage your entire research project. Easily import data like texts, interviews, focus groups, PDFs, web pages, spreadsheets, articles, e-books, and even tweets. Organize your data into groups, link relevant citations together, and share and compare work with your team members. Your project ?le remains ?exible and you can gradually expand and re?ne your category system to ?t your research.


Flexible Color Assignments

MAXQDA o?ers you more than 1,000,000 colors to use with your qualitative analysis. Assign them freely to codes, sub-codes or texts. Color assignments are user-controlled and can be used functionally, not just merely as an aesthetic accessory.


Idea storage in memos

When reviewing your data, good ideas and insightful connections come up often. Record these, such as research questions and goals, in Memos or use them to paraphrase passages into your own words.


Video analysis

With MAXQDA, you can import, play, transcribe, paraphrase, and directly code video footage for video analysis. The “Multimedia Browser” lets you play and code videos using the same approach you would use for text analyses.


Search and retrieve features

With MAXQDA’s Text Search you can search and automatically code interesting keywords, such as important concepts for your literature review. The automatically created document variables can be used with Mixed Methods tools and you can use MAXQDAs powerful Coding Query, which allows you to analyze the combination of codes in di?erent ways.


Document Comparison Chart

With a single mouse click, you get a powerful chart, can compare texts at a glance and ?nd out which codes have been assigned in which paragraphs. You are completely free to decide which codes and texts should be included in the comparison.


Document Portrait

Visualize the dynamics of an interview with a document portrait, compare code frequencies and distributions across your data or discover patterns or connections. Thanks to the interactive connection between your visualizations with your MAXQDA data, you’ll never lose sight of the big picture.



Illustrate your analytical process and its results in constant interactive connection to your data and freely add project elements (overlapping codes, memos, etc.). Use automatic templates to quickly get started or use the tool freely, like a true mind mapping software package.


Mixed Methods Features

MAXQDA is the mixed methods expert! With MAXQDA you can easily combine qualitative and quantitative methods to get an even deeper insight into your data. MAXQDA o?ers mixed methods tools, quantitative text analysis tools in MAXDictio, the add-on module of MAXQDA Plus, and statistical analysis in the Stats module of MAXQDA Analytics Pro.


Quantitative evaluation of themes

Quantitative aspects can also be relevant in a qualitative study. For example, sort sources

according to document variables and compare values with frequency tables and charts. Don’t miss MAXDictios word frequency functions, which make quantitative analysis of terms and their semantic contexts even easier.


MAXQDA Analytics Pro with the tool Stats

MAXQDA Analytics Pro equips you with a large range of tools for statistical analysis. Seamlessly quantify your qualitative data and enrich your analysis with evidence and plausibility. With the integrated output viewer, you can transfer every table and every chart into your report with a simple copy & paste.


Visualize and Publish your data

Create an overview of both of your data and of your data analysis for yourself and for presentations. Export ready-for-print reports or create powerful visualizations and statistics to illustrate your results and share ?ndings with stakeholders.


Organize your thoughts with QTT

MAXQDA 2022 introduces a brand new and innovative workspace to gather important visualization, notes, segments, and other analytics results! The new QTT supports you during the analysis phase after coding and is the perfect tool to collect relevant insights and develop new theories.


Pro?le Comparison chart

Visually compare documents, focus group speakers, document groups or sets. Explore patterns in code assignments and variable values and create typologies. Use colors to visually identify similar or opposite groups. While analyzing coding patterns for documents groups and sets, choose between the sum, mean, or median of coded segments.


Word Explorer

In which documents does the word “friend” occur frequently and in which summaries and paraphrases? Which words frequently occur together with “friend” in a sentence? Explore how a word or phrase is used in your project data in a new dashboard with our new Word Explorer.


Tools for analyzing open ended questions

Analyzing answers to open-ended questions in MAXQDA has always been a strong point. The new responses workspace adds powerful features to work with survey data.



Secure & seamless cloud collaboration: Share ?les with your team via a secure cloud space, invite colleagues to contribute their work, analyze o?ine, and decide when and what to import from your team members.


New emojis

You can now code your data with the same meaningful and diverse symbols that you love to use on your smartphone. Choose from more than 3,000 symbols including gender and skin tone variations.


Code and Document Summary Section in memos

Use the new summary section in document memos to summarize the main aspects of a case or use the new summary section in code memos to summarize the main aspects of a topic.


Import text highlighting and comments

MAXQDA recognizes color highlighting in Word or PDF documents and automatically codes the highlighted passages, so you can seamlessly continue your work in MAXQDA. Comments and comment threads are imported into MAXQDA as memos and can be displayed right next to your documents.

