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Quality Gate

Quality Gate

Release Quality Code Every. Time.

Quality Gates tell you at every analysis whether your code is ready to release.


Quality Gates show your project Releasability

Bugs suck

Delivering buggy software erodes your reputation and your users' confidence.

Protect your reputation

Out of the box, SonarQube clearly signals whether your commits are clean, your projects are releasable, and how well your organization is hitting the mark.

Get clear feedback

And if you’re not hitting the mark, you’ll know immediately what’s wrong and how to fix it. Wouldn’t it be nice if all feedback were that clear and direct?


Always know where you stand

Keep quality front and center throughout the development cycle.

Quality Gate 

You won’t be surprised at the last minute with quality problems. SonarQube gives you a clear releaseability indicator at every build.

Quality Gate 

Quality Gates coalesce the team around a shared vision of quality. Everyone knows the standard and whether it’s being met.


For failed Quality Gates, the error conditions show you what needs fixing


Data where you need it

Push notifications and open APIs make integrating with your other systems painless. From wallboards to CI/CD integration, it’s easy to know your project’s releasability.

On your wallboards

To your Inbox

In your CI/CD


Grows with you

Sane defaults out of the box, but you can raise the bar as your team builds its quality muscles.

Set up a "Champions’ League" and watch developers vie to join it.


Single source of truth
for all the languages in your project

SonarQube applies the same Quality Gate to all the languages in your project, so when it says “go”, there’s really nothing holding you back.




Pull Request analysis gives you a clear go/no-go on merging to master. With SonarQube as a reviewer, you know (almost) immediately whether your code is good enough to merge.


…in SonarQube AND your ALM


Visualize your team's success

Portfolios give you immediate insight into the health of all the projects across an entire department, including your projects’ average Releasability.


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