Real-Time Graphics Tools for Silverlight
The Real-Time Graphics Tools for Silverlight toolkit, entirely written using C# managed code, is for developers who want to add sophisticated real-time graphics to their Silverlight web-based applications. The software integrates theQCChart2D charting software with real-time data structures and specialized rendering routines. It is designed for on-the-fly rendering of the real-time data using new specialized classes for scrolling graphs, gauges (bar graphs), meters, annunciators and text. Plot objects created using the QCChart2D classes can be freely mixed with the new Real-Time Graphics Tools for Silverlight classes. Advanced user interface features such as zooming and tool-tips can used with real-time scrolling charts. A process variable class manages real-time data, an unlimited number of alarms, and data archiving. A PID (Proportional, Integral and Derivative) control class implements sophisticated control algorithms applicable in a wide array of applications. Real-Time displays can be sent to supported output devices at the resolution of the device, creating presentation quality printouts, slides, or transparencies.
Feature Summary
Includes the QCChart2D Charting Tools for Silverlight - The Real-Time Graphics Tools for Silverlight includes the complete QCChart2D Charting Tools for Silverlight.
Silverlight 4.0 and 5.0 -The software is based on the Silverlight 4.0 API and is forward compatible with Silverlight 5.0..
Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015 -The software is compatible with Visual Studio 2010 and higher. All example program projects are in Visual Studio 2010 format.
SharpDevelop - The software is also compatible with SharpDevelop 3.X and higher. SharpDevelop is a free IDE for C# and VB developers writing for the Silverlight/WPF/.Net platform.
Based on the Silverlight Retained Graphics Drawing Framework - Compatible with Silverlight components and applications.
100% Managed .Net Code - The software is entirely written in C#, resulting in provide better performance and scalability. Managed .Net code makes applications easier to deploy and maintain.
Process Variable and Alarms - Real-time data is stored in RTProcessVar classes. The RTProcessVar class is designed to represent a single process variable, complete with limit values, an unlimited number of high and low alarms, historical data storage, and descriptive strings for use in displays.
Single Value Indicators - A single value indicator is a real-time display object that is attached to a singleRTProcessVar object. This includes single channel bar indicators (which includes solid, segmented, custom and pointer bar indicators), meter indicators (which includes meter needles, meter arcs and meter symbol indicators), single channel annunciator indicators, panel meter indicators and scrolling graph plots based on a QCChart2DSimplePlot chart object.
Alarm Indicators - Alarm indicators are used to display alarm lines, symbols and fill areas for the RTProcessVar objects associated with the single value and multiple value indicator classes.
Panel Meter Indicators - The RTPanelMeter derived classes are special cases of the single value indicator classes that are used throughout the software to display real-time data in a text format. Panel meters are available for numeric values, string values, time/date values and alarm values.
Process Variable Viewer - the RTProcessVarViewer class displays the historical data of a process variable in a grid like table.