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FormsTool is the "little brother" of FormsAPI Master. FormsTool doesn't have the powerful scripting capabilities to automate changes but other than that it is fully packed with exactly the same set of fantastic little tools and utilities to make you a notch more productive in your daily life as an Oracle developer!

Worth the investment

The Compare and Search tools included in FormsTool will save you time and frustration. By being able to pinpoint within seconds what parts have changed or what parts need to be changed will make you a more productive developer. FormsTool is priced very attractively and if it only saves you 10 minutes every week (many of our customers are able to save much more time than that!) then then it will already be worth the cost of the tool.

Tools for everyday use

FormsTool comes with a variety of useful tools. The Compare and the Search tool for example are two of the tools that many developers can use almost on a daily base.



Visually compare and merge differences in objects, properties, and code in Forms or Reports Modules. Screenshot DevCompare Window


Spot differences in Oracle Forms and Reports modules immediately


No more guessing what changes broke the new version of a module - with this tool you know the answer within seconds! It's also great for other common structured development practices such as Code Reviews, Two Stream Development and Change Management. The Developer Compare utility is a handy tool that will save you hours of frustration and work!


Compare Features:



Search through hundreds of modules (Forms, Reports, text files, etc.) in minutes. 


Search hundreds of modules with complex search criteria

PowerSearch handles all the common search problems (whitespaces, comments, strings, wildcards, etc.) for you by using special rules that take PL/SQL syntax into consideration and even allows you to edit the results directly in the search window. A special Property-Search mode even allows complex search criteria based on multiple property values.

Search Features:


Analyzer V4.0 beta

Extract code dependencies, statistics, data models and other useful information to get an overview over your code. 

Analyzer helps you to keep the overview over your application

The analyzer extracts and documents all there is to know of your Oracle module. The dependencies extracted can be used to get a complete overview of your whole application architecture. Knowing the relationships between modules, code and data is a must have item for developers and system analysts.

Analyzer features:



Automate common tasks such as compiling, converting, upgrading, extracting, etc. 


Run common developer tasks on a batch of modules

The batch tool is a collection of useful functions that can make life as an Oracle developer easier. Some of the functionality is currently still under development but i hope to have most of it covered soon.

Batch features:



The Explorer tool extracts all objects and properties from a module and shows it in a hierarchical tree. 


Explore your modules internal structure

The explorer tool is similar to what you can see in Forms Builder. It gives you access to every object and property. The properties can be edited and saved as well as exported to Html/JSON/XML and Excel so that you can document your module and code.
