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Serial Port Tester

Serial Port Tester

Serial Port Tester ( aka Serial Port Monitor) is a system tool that provides a means to monitor, display and analyze serial port activity. While RS232 is the recommended standard for serial communication, Serial Port Tester is not solely a RS232 port tester. It works on RS422 and RS485 serial interfaces as well. Monitoring serial data transmissions is for anyone with the need to develop, test and debug firmware as well as any software or hardware solutions that make use of a serial port. You can test any serial port on Windows 7/10. 

Serial Port Tester has a user-friendly interface with handy features like a customizable search and filter function, and the ability to export the data from a monitoring session. Serial Port Tester is a standalone utility that does not require additional software or hardware to perform its function.



Why do you need Serial Port Tester?

How Serial Port Tester can help with general tasks


You can set up test filters according to the specific task at hand. All standard serial control requests are supported including I/O Request Packets (IRP); the filtering of IRPs and input-output control or IOCTLs. Various views are available in the application user interface to suit your particular needs. These views are Terminal, line view, dump view and table view.



Testing of multiple COM ports


With Serial Port Tester, it is possible to test and monitor multiple ports simultaneously. This allows you to analyze how different devices and applications interact within a single session. All data is logged using a first-in, first-out (FIFO) approach.


Analyzing serial port activity


It is possible to track, log and display all the activity of all the serial ports within the system. All the data that is collected is displayed in a simple interface with multiple filter options, making it easier to view only the information that is pertinent to the particular task at hand. It is also possible to save the data from previously monitored sessions for the purpose of data comparison. The user interface of Serial Port Tester allows you to view this data side by side in separate configurable windows for ease of comparison.


Emulating the exchange of data


Serial Port Tester provides a facility to send test data to a monitored port, emulating actual data from an application. To do this, simply select the port to which you want to send data to, configure the baud rate, data bits, parity, flow control and stop bits as required.


Analyzing Modbus RTU and ASCII data


You can also monitor and analyze Modbus Remote Terminal (RTU) and Modbus ASCII data packages. This is an advanced feature of Serial Port Tester that provides you with an efficient and convenient way to visualize Modbus data.


When would you need to test serial port and monitor serial communication?

If you need to test COM port data or analyse the interaction of serial devices with your software or hardware, you can use Serial Port Tester to record all the data that is passed between the serial ports, and it’s not limited to RS232 test software. This makes it easier to analyze all the port activity from the recorded logs to identify any potential problems. 

To monitor and analyse all asynchronous serial transmissions to log and highlight any downtime.

To troubleshoot problems that may arise with peripheral devices like printers, keycards and terminals etc.

To provide data exchange protocols between devices when no documentation exists.

To monitor sensitive data or devices that require constant monitoring, for example - pressure or temperature gauges in an industrial plant. All data is logged and backed up securely.


Full features list of Serial Port Tester

Serial Port Tester is fully compatible with Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit).

Digitally signed for safety and peace of mind.

Multiple simultaneous port monitoring enabled.

Ability to add additional ports to existing monitoring sessions

Full support of all types of COM ports including generic onboard ports, virtual COM ports, BlueTooth serial ports, USB to Serial cradles, etc.

Full monitoring and logging of data transmission.

Ability to emulate data sending with advanced send dialog. Aliases can be used for faster typing and automation; send files and loop functions and commands. In the Professional / Company Edition versions of Serial Port Tester, you can change serial port parameters while a monitoring session is active.

In the Professional / Company Edition you can also start and stop monitoring a serial port that is already opened by another application.

All data capturing happens in real-time.

All incoming and outgoing data is logged.

Four different options to view data: terminal view, lne view, dump view and table view

From the Terminal view you can export raw data to file.

The terminal view has an automatic scroll which can be disabled if preferred.

Table view offers color command highlights for ease of data analysis.

Customize Quick Filters in Table view for bespoke user experience.

Table view allows you to add comments to the monitoring session.

IRPs in Table view include transcript hints from line view. Statistics are displayed in first to last order IRP in table view.

All redirected files can be split into smaller files or you can specify a file size that suits your environment.

All recorded data can also be copied to the system clipboard for quick access.

Data can be redirected to file even when the monitoring session is inactive.

Serial Port Tracker is able to monitor any kind of hardware/software that works on a serial port.

All Input / Output control codes (IOCTLs) can be intercepted, monitored and recorded for further analysis.

Monitoring sessions are fully customizable. You can adjust timestamp formats, notation scale, logging string length etc.

Serial Port Tracker provides easy and flexible monitoring session management - allowing you to determine how monitored data is loaded and saved, as well as how data is exported or redirected to files.

Monitored sessions can be exported in a variety of formats including HTML, ASCII text, UNICODE and Excel CSV. Data can also be automatically redirected to file. (Serial Port Monitor will add all monitored data to a file in real-time).

It is possible to add data automatically before or after a packet is transmitted.

Full duplex mode is supported, so the communication between sender and receiver can happen concurrently.

Visualization of control line status.

Large range of filter options available.

Support of all baud rates.

Flexibility to configure stopbits, data bits, etc.

Easy user interface with no programming skills required.

Data can also be filtered by port.

When Serial Port Tester tries to write data to an application, that data is displayed to the user.

There is an option to write data to an existing file with a new command-line option rather than overwriting existing data.


What customers say

Daniel Leka

Eltima Software’s Serial Port Tester has saved me a lot of time and effort. I can now easily run multiple serial port tests and manage, log and debug my software.


Jessica Conrad

 Thanks to Serial Port Tester I was able to analyze how existing PC software was communicating with a mobile phone. This in turn allowed me to use the same protocol in order for my SMS control device to work!


Martin McKinley

I love how quickly and easily I am able to view and analyze all the data transmissions between multiple serial ports in my navigation program.
