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ClearOS 7 Business

ClearOS 7 Business

ClearOS 7 Business Edition is a complete server operating system. This edition is built for production users and includes only quality tested, performance optimized code and updates. All updates, bug fixes, patches and security fixes are automated at your discretion providing an easy to manage, stable, and secure solution. Features span 75+ IT functions from domain control, network & bandwidth control, messaging and more! 


1. Overview

One Platform. One Interface.

Beginning in 2001 we ensured our software and appliances were cloud managed enabling you to more efficiently manage your deployments and multi-site environments from one simple interface. ClearOS provides a wide variety of IT functions for Cloud, Gateway, Network, Server and more; all built into one platform. We've designed ClearOS to be managed through Webconfig using any browser. This means you boot up your access device of choice and have all the tools at your fingertips you need to keep your system running. Make adjustments from your laptop in the office or from your smart phone on the road.


Clean, Simple Webconfig

ClearOS delivers a simple & beautiful browser-based interface. Leave the black screened world of command line interfaces behind. With ClearOS Professional, anyone can learn to manage their IT environment.



Robust VPN Features.

Get one of the most complete VPN systems. Make your network act as one even if you are running remote offices in different parts of the world.



ClearOS Marketplace

ClearOS Business is the most versatile IT Operating Platform ever created. ClearOS includes IT functions from access point control to 3rd party, cloud application management.

The 75+ IT Functions built into ClearOS are delivered as apps, which you install as needed on your ClearOS server. Integration with existing cloud apps and service, combined with the delivery of new and dynamic cloud apps and services, makes managing your IT even easier.

ClearOS also provides the needed on premise functions for your server, networking and security needs. ClearOS is equipped with the ClearOS Marketplace which allows you to scale the functionality of your server with a simple point-and-click method.


Enterprise Grade Security

It's really quite simple, no one likes to feel as though your systems are at risk or that your data may be compromised. With the ClearBOX 100, Hybrid Network Appliance, protecting your network just got a whole lot easier.

ClearOS Professional keeps out unwanted viruses, spam and hackers, by offering you the latest in cutting-edge protection.



Data Recovery

Far too often businesses procrastinate on implementing the necessary steps to ensure your business is functional at all times. ClearCenter provides simple scalable solutions to fit the needs of any remote storage requirement; be it 5 GB – 500 TB of offsite data backup.

Another feature which is beneficial to ClearBOX users around the world is the Remote Configuration Backup. This snapshot of your system allows you to replicate these configurations across subsequent installations in your environment simply.

As the IT Administrator you decide when, what and how your system backs up and can rest assured that our global data centers keep your data secure and accessible at all times.


2. ClearOS 7, Business Subscriptions

DID YOU KNOW: Deploying ClearOS 7, Business Edition saves you hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. The Business Edition bundles in many available paid apps and services, along with commercial third party add-ons which are more costly as al a carte options on other ClearOS editions.Check out the benefits of using ClearOS 7, Business below:


Business Subscription

Includes 75+ IT Functions (apps)

ClearOS 7, Business OS & App Access

Quality Tested Code & Updates Only

Master / Slave Directory Synchronization

Microsoft® A.D. Connector (up to 50 users)

Business Subscription

BRONZE Subscription (plus the following)

+ Commercial URLs for Content Filter

+ Content Filter Blacklisting

+ Commercial Signatures for IDS / IPS

+ Commercial AV / AS Rules

+ Remote System Configuration Backup

+ Dynamically Managed VPN

Business Subscription

SILVER Subscription (plus the following)

+ ClearCARE Level I (Break/Fix Support)

+ 8/5 Tech-Support (M-F 10-18:00 EST)

+ Unlimited Tickets (Incl. 2 Hour Support Pack)

+ Email Support

+ Remote Login Support

+ 1 Business Day Initial Support Response

Business Subscription

GOLD Subscription (plus the following)

+ ClearCARE Level II (Troubleshooting Support)

+ Unlimited Tickets (Incl. 5 Hour Support Pack)

+ Phone Support

+ 4 Hour Initial Support Response

+ Remote System Monitor Alerts

+ Remote File Security Audit Alerts 



3. What's New With ClearOS 7 Business

As you know ClearOS removes the complexity of deploying and managing server, network and gateway functions. ClearOS 7 features Marketplace, an on board application installation engine that allows it’s users to dynamically expand the functionality of the system to include upwards of one hundred applications and has about another hundred on the current road-map. Below is a review of the New Apps, New Improvements and a full App listing. Enjoy!



New Improvements

ClearOS 7 Business comes with all the features of ClearOS 6 Professional as well as the following improvements.


Streamlined Theme System

The ClearOS 7 theme is mobile and tablet friendly with a fresh clean look. Dashboard support has also been added to give administrators a bird's eye view of a system.


Updated Antispam Engine

The updated antispam engine includes improved DNS blocklist technology, new distributed & collaborative filtering, an optimized auto-learning system, and native IPv6 support.


Updated IDS and IPS Engines

The updated IDS/IPS engines include improved detection for mail authentication attacks, an updated base rule set, IPv6 support, security hardening, and new SSL weakness detection.


Event and Alert Notifications

The new event and alert system provides built-in intelligence to notify administrators of system issues: disk space issues, unwanted remote logins, and more.



ClearOS is now available in French, Polish and Russian. New translations and languages will be coming in 2016.


XFS and BTRFS Filesystem Support

The robust and scalable XFS file system is the new default that provides support for large files (8 exabytes!) and millions of files per folder. Alternatively, BTRFS can be used for those needing snapshot support.


Microsoft® Hyper-V™ Compatibility

ClearOS 7 can now be seamlessly deployed in a Microsoft® Hyper-V™ environment and run well as a Microsoft® Hyper-V™ Server 2012 R2 host as a Generation 2 virtual machine.


Updated Antivirus Engine

The updated antivirus engine includes new PDF processing, updated Microsoft Office document support, a lower memory footprint, and additional decoding support for new file extensions.


Improved Virtualization Support

Disk I/O, network throughput and USB support have been optimized in ClearOS 7 for virtualization technologies such as Microsoft® Hyper-V™, KVM™ and ClearVM™.


New Apps

ClearCenter is excited to announced the official release of ClearOS 7 Business Editions in Q4 2015. And with the announcement the following Apps are either updated or new:


Microsoft® Active Directory Connector

ClearCenter's Active Directory Connector app is designed to leverage existing Microsoft AD infrastructure and simplify...


Google® Apps Connector

Google Apps Synchronization app provides a connector to Google's "in the cloud" API. This app simplifies an administrators job by provisioning...


Samba 4, Directory (Microsoft® Active Directory alternitive)

The Samba Directory app provides the necessary tools for users, groups, accounts and other...


Dynamic Dashboard

The dashboard app provides a high-level summary of how your system is configured, how it is performing and what users on doing...


IPv6 Ready

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) IPv6 provides other technical benefits in addition to a larger addressing space. In particular, it permits hierarchical...



DNSthingy gives you granular control over each user’s Internet experience. The following features can be applied network wide, or on a device by device...


4. ClearOS 7 Business Awards


With an active community of over 100,000 members, and deployments in over 150 countries (including millions of users), ClearOS continues to lead the market as the #1 small business server, independently ranked #1 by Small Business Computing . As always, the world can continue to benefit from its expanding functionality by downloading the latest release below.


5. Deployment Type Overview

ClearOS provides a simple solution be it deployed on premise or off premise. Click the image to view a simple comparison of popular deployment types. With ClearOS, you can choose to deploy a private network keeping your data local or utilize cloud technologies for file and messaging with ease.

On Premise | Private Deployment

ClearOS Business allows you to deploy your server, network, gateway and more privately; keeping your data protected from outside entities or big brother duplication. With over a hundred apps and services available for your on premise network, ClearOS allows you to simplify your network while improving efficiency. This demo server is pre-configured in this way, providing file, print and mail as part of your On Premise, Private Deployment.

Username: get

Password: clear

On Premise | Hybrid Deployment

As new Cloud Apps & Services become available the simplicity of deploying great system functionality is easier than ever. Sometimes the ease of deployment comes at a price of managing these new systems with existing or on premise infrastructure. ClearOS Professional's ability to integrate these technologies provides a simple hybrid solution. Simply select the cloud app from the ClearOS Marketplace, for the cloud systems you wish to deploy, and your ClearOS server will connect to these technologies. This allows them to be integrated easily into the on premise server.

Username: get

Password: clear

Off Premise | Private Deployment

ClearOS Business is available in many of the leading IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) environments. Select a hosting provider and provision ClearOS Business as your central (master) node. Additional on premise systems are easily connected to this master node, receiving policy, and mirroring user data between sites & systems.

Username: get

Password: clear

Off Premise | Hybrid Deployment

ClearOS Business is available in many of the leading IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) environments. Select a hosting provider and provision ClearOS Business as your central (master) node. Then, navigate to Marketplace inside ClearOS to select any cloud service provider apps you wish to install. This will ensure your ClearOS server is the master node to your cloud directories such as Google Apps. Additional on premise systems are easily connected to this master node, receiving policy, and mirroring user data between sites & systems.

Username: get

Password: clear


6. ClearOS 7 Business Demo Server

Login and See IT Live

ClearOS Business allows you to deploy your server, network, gateway and more privately; keeping your data protected from outside entities or big brother duplication. With over a hundred apps and services available for your on premise network, ClearOS allows you to simplify your network while improving efficiency. This demo server is pre-configured in this way, providing file, print and mail as part of your deployment.


7. Solutions


K-12: The perfect solution for elementary, K-12. Keep your students protected and your IT management simple and affordable.

District: Ensure Network, Server and Gateway centric features are seamlessly installed and functioning. The ClearCenter School District bundle enables IT management with one device.

Higher Education: All the tools you'll need at a fraction of the price. Keep your IT environment up and protected and your students focused and secure.



Small Business: Simple, affordable IT for your small business. Consolidate your IT environment to one device with one intuitive interface.

Medium Business: Ensure Network, Server and Gateway centric features are seamlessly installed and functioning. ClearCenter's Medium Business Solution delivers an affordable and stable IT environment.

Distributed Enterprise: Get the most versatile and intuitive IT solution for Distributed Enterprise. Simplify your hardware needs by managing your distributed offices with one device.

 Compassionate Service

Compassionate Service: The perfect solution for charitable organizations. The features and security you need at the price you deserve.

Places Of Worship: Ensure Network, Server and Gateway centric features are seamlessly installed and functioning. Delivers a clean and stable IT environment.

Foundation: All the tools you'll need at a fraction of the price. A stable, secure and simple solution for your foundation.




Emergency Services: Simplify IT for EMS offices. Manage network, gateway and server with one device at an affordable price.

Public Library: Manage your libraries IT with the most stable and simple solution. ClearCenter's public library solution keeps your deployments stable and online.

Municipality: Get the most complete and affordable IT solution for your agencies. The ClearCenter municipality solution is easy and affordable to deploy and scale.
