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Tcl/Tk Modules Included In ActiveTcl


Tcl/Tk Modules Precompiled With ActiveTcl

Save time from having to compile your own Tcl/Tk modules by using ActiveTcl, complete with hundreds of modules already precompiled for you. Here are some of the popular modules included with the ActiveTcl core:


·[incr Tcl] and TclOO object extensions

·Thread native system threading

·tclvfs virtual file system layer

·zlib compression library

·http network library

·tbcload precompiled bytecode loader

·Tk core user interface toolkit, plus Tktable, Img, BWidget

·tkcon enhanced Tk console


Popular Tcl/Tk Modules With Teapot And Teacup

ActiveTcl offers significant time savings over open source Tcl/Tk for installing, removing, upgrading, and managing Tcl/Tk modules, using the Teapot repository with ActiveTcl’s teacup client. In addition to the modules precompiled with ActiveTcl, there are thousands more Tcl/Tk modules that can be installed from Teapot – the open source repository of compiled modules.


Here is a sample of some of the popular modules accessed through Teapot:


·Automation: Expect, comm

·Database: SQLite, Oratcl, tclodbc, Metakit

·Encryption: TLS, Trf, md5, des

·XML: tdom, TclXML, TclXSLT, SOAP

·Tk widgets: Tix, Togl, Tkhtml, tkdnd

·Utility: udp, pop3, ftp, nntp, pdf4tcl, json


Download ActiveTcl Community Edition to get started, then launch Teapot which provides both command line and user interface access to all modules available through Teapot*.


* Module availability is dependent on ActiveTcl version and your operating system. The Teapot client (teacup) installed with ActiveTcl will show exactly what is available on your current version and operating system.
