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OPC Server Toolkits

OPC Server Toolkits

Rapidly program your OPC Server with C# .Net, VB or C++ using Integration Objects’ OPC Server Toolkits


Integration Objects’ OPC server toolkits are ready-to-use toolkits allowing fast and simple programming of OPC server applications compliant with OPC DA, OPC HDA, OPC A&E and OPC DX specifications and without having to deal with DCOM and OPC details.

Our OPC Server Toolkits are available for download for trial purposes.


1. OPC Server Toolkit

Use C# or C++ to develop your OPC Servers with the OPC Server Toolkit !


Integration Objects’ OPC Server Toolkit is an OPC Foundation certified and easy to use OPC library. It allows developers to quickly create OPC DA, DX and HDA servers software. In fact, it supports the OPC Data Access, OPC Data eXchange and OPC Historical Data Access specifications.


This OPC Toolkit eliminates the complexity of the implementation of COM communications and OPC specifications. It provides easy and flexible interfaces for OPC DA, OPC DX and OPC HDA servers’ programming.


This OPC Toolkit is provided in form of an API and supports programming in C# .Net, VB .Net, VB, and C++. Moreover, its package includes sample projects and OPC simulators that you can use as a starting point for your development.


Product Features

·Implements the latest released specifications for OPC Data Access, OPC Historical Data Access and OPC Data eXchange

·Adds/removes OPC server COM entries in the Windows registry

Allows out-proc server development to:

·Performs synchronous/asynchronous real-time data reads and writes

·Provides full access to historical data for OPC HDA clients

Acts as a peer-to-peer gateway to collect data directly from OPC DA or DX source servers :

·Encapsulation of all OPC Data eXchange functionalities

·Management of the DX database

·Data transfer from OPC DA/DX servers that comply with OPC DA Specification version 2.0

·Offers simple callback functions to handle the communications with the real equipment

·Supports 32 bit and 64 bit applications

·Supports Visual Basic 6 and C++ unmanaged code for Microsoft Visual Studio 6 and Visual Studio 2008, 2012 & 2017

·Supports C++ .NET managed code, C# .NET and VB. NET (Microsoft .NET framework version 2.0 or later)

·Provides sample codes for OPC Servers in order to guide you through the main programming steps

·Royalty free runtime distribution


2. OPC AE Server Toolkit

Use C# .Net or C++ to develop your OPC Alarms & Events Servers with the OPC AE Server Toolkit !


Integration Objects’ OPC AE Server Toolkit is an easy-to-use Windows API supporting OPC A&E standard specification. In fact, it enables developers to rapidly create OPC Alarms and Events servers. This OPC AE toolkit implements all of the required and most of the optional OPC Alarms and Events interfaces.


The OPC AE Toolkit also handles all COM/DCOM and OPC AE specification details required to interface with OPC AE clients in order to enable programmers to quickly develop their OPC AE server software. It supports rapid programming in Visual Basic, C# .Net and C++.


Product Features

·Compliant with the most recently released Alarms and Events specifications, version 1.10.

·Capable of adding/removing OPC server's COM entries in the Windows registry

Implements Alarms and Events interfaces for:

·AE Client connection management

·AE Client event subscription management

·Building custom server area space

·Manages event conditions (Enable / Disable condition, Activate / Deactivate condition and Acknowledge condition )

·Supports all event types (simple, tracking and condition events).

·Supports all filter criteria (such as filter by event type, event category, severity, source and area).

·Provides an efficient communication interface to exchange data with the vendor custom applications using callback mechanisms

·Allows you to build OPC A&E Server applications using .NET, VB6 and Visual Studio C++ 6. Sample codes in .NET, MFC and VB6 are provided to guide you through the main development steps.

·Royalty free runtime distribution
