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ICS CUBE is internet gateway and UTM designed to control traffic, monitor Internet connection and guard corporate network against internal and external threats. ICS CUBE is single solution to the whole complex of network related needs of a typical SME.


Unified Threat Management. ICS CUBE provides small business network security by using next gen firewall, antivirus, mail and spam filters, intrusion detection, content filtering and access rights enforcement. ICS CUBE makes network visible due to elaborate traffic accounting, extensive reports and alerts, mail and instant messaging analysis, data loss protection modules. ICS CUBE replaces all network servers, having file, mail, instant messaging, active directory, VoIP and a complete set of technical servers, such as routing, DNS, DHCP on board.


ICS CUBE is small business firewall router, which secures your corporate network, generates detailed traffic reports and manages Internet connection, solving all issues related to Internet use in business practice.


ICS CUBE is a complex solution packed with valuable business features, making it compatible with a plethora of access technologies and topologies of corporate networks. 


Internet gateway

ICS CUBE supports many types of internet access technology, cooperates with different terminals, manages and encrypts traffic in tunnels, balances traffic between multiple Internet service providers.


ICS CUBE is designed to suit into most existing corporate networks as a multipurpose internet gateway. Using the powerful features of routing, VPN tunneling and having all the necessary network services on board, ICS CUBE can become a central piece of your corporate network and organize it according to the corporate needs. With ICS CUBE you can connect to multiple internet service providers with a bunch of the common access technologies, build VPN, segment your corporate network space, create DMZ and virtual LANs.


Internet gateway features:


LAN Routing
Routing IP packets from the source to the destination is the main task of any internet router, no matter if it is a SOHO routersmall business router or an enterprise router. To make ICS CUBE route packets between your corporate LAN and the Internet you need to designate its physical Ethernet or virtual (VLAN) interfaces to various network segments and the outside Internet. Being extremely flexible in networking, ICS CUBE can also use the IPIP and GRE tunnels to connect to and route the traffic to your remote offices via the VPN (IPSEC). Being a CPE router, ICS CUBE can link to Internet service providers using a plethora of protocols, like PPTP, L2TP, PPPoE, VLAN, and 3G, WiFi as the access medium. ICS CUBE can operate with several ISPs simultaneously, perform network address translation, port translation (NAT-PT) and much more.


Web proxy

Like network firewall, the web proxy server is one of the central mechanisms of ICS CUBE USG. All HTTP traffic passes through the proxy server. The proxy provides object caching to increase network utilization, creates reports and statistics, giving you the complete view of user web activity, feeds traffic to various security inspection engines to safeguard your users against web based cyber threats and social engineering attacks. 

Using the ICS CUBE web proxy server you can set up rules for the web access differentiated by user, group, object type, URL, category of site and its reputation, time, etc., effectively enforcing corporate policies. 

With the ICS CUBE proxy server, you can also use proxy user authentication and filter HTTPS traffic with setting your root certificate.


DNS server

Host domains on your own DNS server. You can set up multiple DNS zones, for direct and reverse, primary and secondary in any combination and number. In case ICS CUBE is part of the Active Directory tree, ICS CUBE can use your domain controller as the primary DNS server, and/or query your ISP DNS.


DHCP server

The DHCP server allows you to dynamically and automatically assign IP addresses and network settings to computers in a corporate LAN to avoid the manual routine.



Windows network integration

ICS CUBE can be tightly integrated in the Microsoft Windows networking environment of your company. It can perform data exchange and resource access using the SMB protocol. ICS CUBE can operate in the Windows domain environment, by joining the domain controller or the Windows HomeGroup. When joining the Windows domain, ICS CUBE will import users from your domain controller, so that you don't have to create redundant records.



The tunnels are the best way to interconnect your remote offices. ICS CUBE will create IPIP or GRE tunnels forming your virtual private network (VPN), which is always under your control. These tunnels and all your data travelling inside the tunnels can be securely protected by IPSEC encryption mechanisms to ensure that no eavesdropping or tampering occurs to your information in transit. /p>


Multicast proxy


In case you want to watch Internet television (IP-TV) programs, ICS CUBE has the multicast proxy, enabling connecting any computer, a set-top-box or a program in corporate LAN or at home to your IP-TV operator channels.


Centralized management

Access and control of all your ICS CUBEs via one of them.

Managing ICS CUBE is easy despite the huge number of various services it provides. All management is done via the web-based protected interface. This interface keeps track of all links between components of ICS CUBE and hides its complexity from the user.


Control made easy by:


Remote office management

In case you have to manage several remote offices, ICS CUBE has the remote management option, when you control all of ICS CUBE servers located in remote offices from single ICS CUBE. In this case all ICS CUBE servers will have separate configuration settings and operation data, all accessible to you from one convenient interface.


Hardware resources control

To keep its own operations secure ICS CUBE keeps on monitoring its own hardware resources, CPU loads, available RAM, network interface loads and utilization, alarm signals. These and many other parameters are displayed as graphs and are logged for future reference.


Web console

ICS CUBE is managed via the ergonomic graphical user interface. It is web based and can be accessed via an ordinary web browser on a desktop or a mobile device. The interface is protected to disallow illegal access. The web dashboard of ICS CUBE is a set of widgets, which displays system characteristics and guide your way into deeper settings.


Remote assistance

If required you can order remote support of your ICS CUBE by our technical support team. To do so you need to negotiate with A-Real support team and open the SSH access to your ICS CUBE.


Network security

Protected connections between corporate offices ensuring information integrity and safety. Corporate network is secured against viral and advanced persistent threats.


The main goal of ICS CUBE as Unified Threat Management is keeping your corporate network safe against all sorts of cyber threats. We have closely integrated network firewall, intrusion protection system, web content filter, flow antivirus, mail antivirus and antispam, web application firewall and data loss protection in ICS CUBE. All these components work in accord and are administered in graphical user interface as a single entity.


ICS CUBE UTM features:


Network firewall

A firewall creates a barrier between your corporate network and Internet, which you typically do not trust. A firewall controls access to the resources of a network through a vast number of interrelated sets of rules. Creation of the rules, which guide firewall operation is responsibility of a number of other ICS CUBE security modules, such as user control, intrusion prevention system, traffic policing and shaping, data leak prevention, virtual private networking. They all contribute.


The firewall is the centerpiece of ICS CUBE security tools. It controls everything that goes in and out of your network. Using multiple techniques firewall is informed of what traffic may potentially harm your productivity, compromise security and corporate policy and blocks this traffic. The firewall in ICS CUBE is highly intelligent in filtering at the edge of your corporate network. ICS CUBE firewall provides you with reliable protection, forbidding dangerous, suspicious or simply unwanted traffic from entering your network, works in accord with Intrusion prevention and data leak prevention subsystems, monitors status and health of end nodes.


With ICS CUBE firewall, you can be sure, that you computers are safe from viruses, worms and other threats, users are not wasting time and traffic for useless or dangerous Internet browsing and downloading, confidential information is not leaking out of your company into the Internet. Additionally, it improves network visibility by gathering usage statistics for you, monitoring application traffic flows, rate policing and providing quality of service to business vital traffic and applications.



Intrusion Prevention System

An intrusion prevention system monitors all network activity, detects intrusion attempts, or security breach attempts and promptly reacts to them by blocking unwanted activities and alerting the administrator. IPS can also defragment IP packets, reorder TCP segment to guard against packets with tempered sequence and acknowledgement numbers.


The intrusion prevention system of ICS CUBE operates in accord with firewall. IPS keeps alert to network attacks targeting various services, attacks meant to elevate a user’s access rights beyond necessary limits. IPS is also fighting off unauthorized file access attempts and other types of dangerous software accidentally of persistently targeting your corporate network, computers and servers.


The intrusion prevention system in ICS CUBE communicates with the firewall to promptly block suspicious or known to be dangerous traffic. The IPS also produces detailed reports on possible attacks and breach attempts, providing you with traces for further incident response actions.



Virtual Private Network

VPN overlays the real physical infrastructure with encrypted tunnels, providing secure communications. No matter how many real networks your encrypted link traverses, the other end of it, which may be your remote office is just one hop away from network point of view. VPN is the preferred mean of safe and easy connection between remote corporate locations.


The VPN server in ICS CUBE creates tunnels between your networks and protects communication with strong encryption algorithms. By using a standard set of protocols (IPSEC, IPIP, GRE) ICS CUBE can communicate with most other VPN software or appliances, including another ICS CUBE at your remote location.


The VPN solution in ICS CUBE can also be used for safe access to office network, servers and software from mobile users.



Web content filter

The web content filter in ICS CUBE can be used for multiple purposes in the organization:

ICS CUBE is equipped with advanced web content filtering tools which safeguard your network against cyber threats and human errors and social engineering attempts. It also allows you to create and enforce flexible and sound corporate Internet usage policy, differentiated by content type, user or user group, time of day, etc. By coupling ICS CUBE with our software from our technology partner Kaspersky Lab with KWF web filter you can build multiple lines of defense with little effort.



Firewall antivirus

Fighting off malware, ransomware and other types of cyber security threats before they hit the end nodes are primary tasks of ICS CUBE as a Unified Threat Management solution. To achieve most efficient protection, we cooperate with two well established players in the field of antivirus software – Kaspersky and Dr.Web.


The modules developed with our partners integrate with the ICS CUBE firewall, which intercepts all network traffic flows and handles them to the firewall antivirus modules for inspection. The traffic is only allowed to enter your network, if firewall antivirus marks it as clean. ICS CUBE performs flow analysis without much rate loss of the network access.


ICS CUBE with the flow antivirus has several advantages: it is always on, it cannot be tempered with, unlike an end node, it protects the whole corporate network, and it lowers risks of end node infection.

The antivirus in ICS CUBE performs:

Antivirus and antispam solutions are backed up by partner's powerful teams of cyber security analytics, working 24x7 behind the scene to keep you safe. The modules can automatically update viral and spam definitions every 5 minutes.


Mail antivirus

ICS CUBE has its own corporate mail server, which sends and receives mail for all your corporate users. Both antiviral modules of ICS CUBE also integrate with the mail server to inspect all incoming mail, checking it for potentially dangerous content inside mail messages and attachments. Upon finding infected objects they are placed in quarantine and reports are generated so that you can select the appropriate action upon them.




Mail SPAM amount on the Internet is overwhelming. Most often an office day begins from mining useful messages from piles of unwanted mail – error prone and time-consuming process.


Integrated in ICS CUBE is Kaspersky Labs anti-Spam engine, which efficiently cleans up your corporate e-mail from SPAM, saving the time of your employees, offloading the primary mail filtering task from them, so that they can concentrate on meaningful mail.

Data Loss Prevention

Data leak prevention is a technology guarding your vital corporate information from spreading out of your network as a result of an accidental error or deliberate malicious activity of users. ICS CUBE DLP is based on traffic flow analysis. When sensitive information is detected the system blocks its transmission. ICS CUBE monitors web and mail traffic for possible data leaks. It has various settings to define information sensitivity level and set detection thresholds. You can use keywords and file signatures to configure DLP subsystem. Technologically DLP uses the same mechanisms as content filtering does.



Web application firewall

Web applications comprise the core of the information system of most companies. Because of that, web applications are often targets of various attacks. The web application firewall works particularly with web application traffic (HTTP). Located between corporate web applications and users ICS CUBE UTM controls the bidirectional HTTP traffic, protecting web applications, heavily used by business. The web application firewall in ICS CUBE prevents vulnerabilities in web applications from being exploited by outside threats and its list of capabilities includes:



In case your company has its own public servers, open for the untrusted Internet, you may choose the option of partitioning your network to keep these resources in a separate network segment, so that these servers, even if compromised, could not become a hacker base to invade the rest of your network. DMZ adds one more layer of security to protect your business information assets. ICS CUBE fits well in various network topologies and can form the DMZ, using virtual and physical LAN interfaces, possibly cooperating with third party routers.


Access control

Controlling employee access to Internet resources for groups and individually.


With ICS CUBE you are in full control of your corporate network and users. ICS CUBE can use a multitude of authentication methods. The extremely flexible access control rules of ICS CUBE can help you create any type of corporate Internet use policy. Organize and identify your users and groups, create all sorts of rules using URLs, traffic categories, addresses, time, traffic limits, rate limits, etc.


Access control features:


User authentication

ICS CUBE is very flexible in dealing with access controls and policies. It can use multiple authentication methods to better fit your corporate environment: by IP or MAC address, by user/password pair, web authentication, Active directory/LDAP, authentication agent, which also serves for monitoring end nodes for better security



User and group management

All humans and special users, such as certain servers form a tree of users and groups. The users are the centerpiece of ICS CUBE configuration logics. Journaling, statistical calculations, alarms are linked to the users. ICS CUBE can set and enforce a whole lot of policies upon users and groups defining their access rights at any detail level. Smaller entity's rights (a user) override the rights assigned to a larger entity (a group, this user is a member of). Here is the construction set: 

Objects: users, groups, IP addresses, port numbers, protocols, URLs. 
Actions: allow, block, log, limit rate, taq QoS, conditional route, route via certain ISP, show warning, redirect to another URL, and limit number of sessions. 
Conditions: traffic classes, time and date, quota status, object type and size, keywords, file signatures.



Network traffic control

ICS CUBE allows you to configure traffic policing and shaping to let the vital quality sensitive traffic, for example VoIP, in first. Traffic from not important resources can be rate limited if not blocked altogether. You can also limit the rate of access of a particular user to any resource.


Traffic limits

ICS CUBE access rules allow you to limit the total amount of traffic allowed per user or group in a certain amount of time. Use traffic quotas to do so.



Traffic classes

ICS CUBE uses software module developed by our partners – Kaspersky Labs to categorize incoming traffic. It has over 70 traffic classes, blocks 7+ million phishing and dangerous resources, and allows for parental control.


Network connection limits

Sometimes it is necessary to limit the number of connections a particular user or a computer can open. This need may arise in case of a user launching some peer-to-peer programs, which you don’t plan to block, but want to keep at bay. Other examples include malware opening numerous connections. ICS CUBE lets you impose a limit on a number of open connections, thus limiting the load on the network and retarding spread of malware.


Proxy server

HTTP traffic optimization combined with elaborate accounting and precise access control for every user and resource type or exact address.


Mail and jabber server

Instant messaging and unlimited number of mailboxes on board. Mail antivirus to ward e-mail viruses, phishing attacks and unwanted SPAM. Flexible mail processing rules.


Following the needs of SMEs, we equipped ICS CUBE with additional services and ready to run applications. You can turn them on/off, depending on what is really required by your business processes. ICS CUBE can be a smart IP PBX, can store and share user files on the network. ICS CUBE has a powerful mail server ready to serve all corporate users. You can organize the local messaging system with the Jabber server and even host your own web server!


List of preinstalled apps:


Mail server

Powerful mail server is one of the ICS CUBE components. It allows sending and receiving your corporate mail, define your corporate rules of mail processing with automatic mail filters. Mail system of ICS CUBE can collect mail from external servers, serving as the mail aggregator for your company. It allows access via standard client protocols and software and also has its own web interface, to be accessed without any additional software. You can import address lists from an external LDAP server. And naturally, the ICS CUBE mail system performs thorough mail analysis securing you from mail viruses, phishing content, SPAM and data leaks.


Local web server

ICS CUBE has a ready to run web server, should you choose to host your corporate web resources locally. It has all necessary tools and options for that. Not just one, but a multitude of virtual web servers can be hosted on ICS CUBE, each with its own database engine, logging and scripting possibilities.


Network storage

ICS CUBE can function as a network attached storage with personalized space for each user. Users can upload, manage and share files via the Windows network, web service and FTP access.


Small business VoIP

The corporate telephone PBX on ICS CUBE has all features a SME typically requires: assigning users with the telephone extension numbers, rule based call forwarding, phone groups, conference calls, voice mail, IVR, call, FAX to PDF converter. To link with the outer world you need a phone operator company offering you SIP or IAX service. Call logs are available for the ICS CUBE administrator.



FTP server

The FTP server is a simple and ubiquitous way to share files over the Internet for business or technical purpose. The file sharing and storing capabilities of ICS CUBE are not limited only by the FTP protocol.


XMPP server



File and web server

Safe file exchange for corporate users. Intranet or protected virtual internet web server for clients.



Voice over IP

Full featured voice over IP corporate gateway. Incoming and outgoing call redirection, filtering, IVR.



Configuration is synchronized among several ICS CUBEs. This mode is used for increased resilience and/or load balancing.




ICS CUBE is single replacement of the whole set of internet servers, programs and appliances. The set of its functions is sufficient for needs of internet connected corporate networks of most enterprises.


ICS CUBE allows to:


ICS CUBE performs over 80 useful functions, all of which are controlled by single and intuitive user interface. ICS CUBE saves time of your tech people to take care of business specific IT issues.


Having integrated ICS CUBE into your corporate network you can not only get rid of some servers, software and time needed to maintain those, and also you gain complete control and visibility of all network related processes and issues.


Hardware requirements






10 - 50 users

Intel Celeron N3150 2.16GHz

320 Gb SATA

4 Gb

50 - 150 users

Intel Core i3 3240 Processor 2-Cores, 3.40GHz

500 Gb SATA

8 Gb

>150 users

Intel Core I7 3.06Ghz

1 Tb

16 Gb

