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ionCube Package Foundry

ionCube Package Foundry

Improve User's Install Experience

IPF produces a Windows software installer to deploy your web products with ease to any remote server supporting FTP/SFTP. The user install experience is similar to installing a local product, without the hassle required by most web packages of using remote file transfer clients and extracting archives.

Major Features

·         Easy install of web based applications to local or remote servers

·         Create Windows installers from Linux or Windows

·         Add optional configuration step for config files

·         Automatic download of ionCube Loader for PHP if required

·         Support for multi-language installer messages and support files

·         Assign custom permissions to files or folders

New in Version 4

·         New release for 2019

·         SFTP support

·         Easier product licensing

·         Optional package expiry dates for control over how long a package can be used

·         Mechanism for easy ignoring of files or folders that don't need to be included in the final package

·         Improved configuration file editing with syntax highlighting

·         Numerous assorted improvements and minor updates

Feature Highlights

·         Install using FTP or SFTP

·         Installers can be created in multiple languages

·         License files and readme files can be displayed if appropriate

·         Support for localised readme, license, and other files

·         Wildcard based ignoring of files when creating a package

·         Optional expiry date at which point the installer will become inactive

·         Create IPF Windows installers from Linux or Windows

·         Assign custom UNIX style permissions to files or folders

·         Automatic download of the required ionCube PHP Loader if required

·         Uniform handling of both local and remote installations

·         Familiar and straightforward installer GUI

·         Installers feature active-help system to give user assistance if required

·         Installers can be branded with your own custom product images

·         Automatic triggering of post-install scripts on remote server

·         Configuration Manager handles manual configuration and reconfiguration of text files after the install is completed

·         FTP pipelining to streamline uploads

·         Automatic passive and active FTP mode

·         Support for multiple install targets
