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Control Chart

Control Chart Types


Control Chart Types - How Many Are There?


How Do I Choose the Right Chart?


What's the Difference Between Variable and Attribute Control Charts?


If you are struggling with any of these questions, you are not alone.

You can take classes, read articles or find a good decision tree, but next week,
you won't remember what you learned...


That is why we built control chart selection rules right into our QI Macros code.


QI Macros Knows the Rules and Will Choose the Right Chart For You


  1. Shewhart Variable Control Charts


Use for Measured Data

(time, money, length, width, depth, weight, etc.)
Often contains decimals (.006, 8.9, 74.05)



The purpose of the Individuals Moving Range Chart template is to evaluate the stability of processes using variable data--time, cost, length, weight when the sample size is one.


Here is an example of the Individuals Moving Range Chart template in QI Macros for Excel. Just type data into the yellow input area and the control charts, histogram and probability plot will be drawn to the right. You can also cut and paste data from another spreadsheet into the template.


The Individual Moving Range (XmR) chart template is actually made up of several templates depending on your needs:


Learn more about these control chart template options.


Control Chart Templates in Excel


Need an Easy Way to Create Control Charts in Excel?


QI Macros Add-in Contains Easy to Use Templates for a Variety of Control Charts


QI Macros Installs a menu on Excel's toolbar.


Just open a template from QI Macros Menu and get started creating charts.

Input cells are shaded in yellow. Type directly into a template, cut and paste or link from another worksheet.


Control Chart Templates Included in QI Macros Add-in


Attribute Control Charts


Variable Control Charts


Specialized Control Charts


Each QI Macros Control Chart Template Has These Additional Features


Each template is an Excel workbook made up of several worksheets with varying options.


Control Limit Calculation Options



Control Chart Template Display Options




Same as Minitab's Capability Sixpack™ for a fraction of the cost


You don't have to spend alot of money on expensive software to perform process stability and capability analysis on your data.


QI Macros Add-in for Excel makes SPC as easy as typing data into an Excel spreadsheet.


Open up the XbarR Six Pack by clicking on the QI Macros tab on Excel's menu, then Control Chart Templates then XbarR Six Pack.


Then just type your data into the yellow input area and the control charts, histogram, values plot and probability plot will be drawn to the right. You can also cut and paste data from another spreadsheet into the template.



Sigma Estimator Formula


The X bar R Six Pack also lets you choose which formula you want to use for sigma estimator. The default is Pooled Standard Deviation but you can also select Sbar and Rbar by changing the number in cell AV:2


Tip: QI Macros will prompt you for your subgroup size. A subgroup is a group of measurements produced under the same set of conditions. In the example above the subgroup size is five.



Same as Minitab's Capability Sixpack™ for a fraction of the cost


You don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive software to perform process stability and capability analysis on your data.


QI Macros Add-in for Excel makes SPC as easy as typing data into an Excel spreadsheet.


Open up the XbarS Six Pack by clicking on the QI Macros tab on Excel's menu, then Control Chart Templates then XbarS Six Pack.


Then just type your data into the yellow input area and the control charts, histogram, values plot and probability plot will be drawn to the right. You can also cut and paste data from another spreadsheet into the template.



Sigma Estimator Formula


The X and S Six Pack also lets you choose which formula you want to use for sigma estimator. The default is Pooled Standard Deviation but you can also select Sbar by changing the number in cell AV:2


Tip: QI Macros will prompt you for your subgroup size. A subgroup is a group of measurements produced under the same set of conditions. In the example above the subgroup size is five.


  1. Shewhart Attribute Control Charts


Use for Counted Data


(number of defects, mistakes, errors, etc.)
Always a whole number (1, 44, 75)



Use c charts for counted data:
...when the opportunity is large but the number of defects is small


For example, you might be counting injuries at a plant or medication errors in a hospital. The opportunity for errors is large but the actual occurences are low.


Two Examples of c chart data:


QI Macros adds a new menu to Excel and provides two ways to create charts:


Run a Macro on Data You Have Already Collected

  1. Click and drag over the data to select it.
  2. Click on QI Macros > Control Charts > c chart.
  3. QI Macros does the math and draws the chart.
  4. QI Macros also performs stability analysis. Unstable points or trends turn red and should be investigated.


Input Data into a Fill-in-the-Blanks Template

  1. Click on QI Macros > Control Chart Templates > c chart.
  2. Input your data into the yellow shaded area.
  3. The chart is drawn as the data is input.
  4. Run stability analysis using the chart tools menu.



Use u charts when counting defects and the sample size varies


u chart data looks like this:

Example of a u chart:

Uneven control limits result from the varying sample sizes.


It's Easy to Draw a u Chart in Excel Using QI Macros


QI Macros adds a new menu to Excel and provides two ways to create charts: a u chart macro and a u chart template:


Create a u chart by running a macro:

  1. Select your data.
  2. Select a u chart on QI Macros menu.
  3. QI Macros will do the math and draw the chart for you.
  4. QI Macros will also turn any unstable points or conditions red.
    These should be investigated.


Create a chart using a u chart template:

  1. Open a template :
    QI Macros > Control Chart Templates > u chart
  2. Input your data into the yellow shaded area.
  3. The chart is drawn as the data is input.
  4. Run stability analysis using the chart tools menu.



Defects - u charts


Each item can have more than one defect:


Defective Items - p charts


Each item is only counted once:



Use p charts when counting defective items & the sample size varies


The p chart is one of four attribute control charts used to evaluate the stability of a process over time using counted data. p charts are sometimes confused with u charts.


p chart data Example


Example of a p chart

Uneven control limits result from the varying sample sizes.


It's Easy to Draw a p Chart in Excel Using QI Macros


QI Macros adds a new menu to Excel and provides two ways to create charts:

“What your organization has done with the excel macros is great. It saves me a lot of time by not having to create the formulas and links. Your QI Macro's are better than most SPC specific software on the market. I have been using your macros since 1997.”

- Chuck Whitaker
Nishikawa Standard Co.


Create a p chart by running a macro:

  1. Select your data.
  2. Click on QI Macros menu > Control Charts > p chart.
  3. QI Macros will do the math and draw the chart for you.
  4. QI Macros will also turn any unstable points or conditions red.
    These should be investigated.


Create a chart using a p chart template:

  1. Open a template:
    QI Macros > Control Chart Templates > p chart
  2. Input your data into the yellow shaded area.
  3. The chart is drawn as the data is input.
  4. Run stability analysis using the chart tools menu.



Use np charts when counting defective items / constant sample size


The np chart is useful when it's easy to count the number of defective items and the sample size is always the same. Examples might include: the number of defective circuit boards per 1000 or incorrect invoices per each sample of 50.


Example of np chart data


Example an np chart created using QI Macros


It's Easy to Draw a np Chart in Excel Using QI Macros


QI Macros adds a new menu to Excel and provides two ways to create charts: macros and templates:


Run a Macro on Data You Have Already Collected

  1. Select your data.
  2. Click on QI Macros > Control Charts > np chart.
  3. QI Macros does the math and draws the chart.
  4. QI Macros turns unstable points or trends turn red. These should be investigated.


Input Data into a Fill-in-the-Blanks Template

  1. Click on QI Macros > Control Chart Templates > np chart.
  2. Input your data into the yellow shaded area.
  3. The chart is drawn as the data is input.
  4. Run stability analysis using the chart tools menu.


Example of QI Macros np chart template:


“I looked at a number of alternatives (some much more expensive than QI Macros, some in the same price range); QI Macros was head and shoulders above the competition in price/performance.”

- Robert Bamford
Software Systems Quality Consulting


“It is so simple to use and anybody can use it. It's like a magic program.

You input the data, you click the button and, "poof," there it is!
It's all done for you. It's great, I love it...”

- National Association of Healthcare Quality Conference


QI Macros Draws These Specialized Control Charts Too


Other Variable Control Charts



Other Attribute Control Charts

