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QuoteCAD Manufacturing

QuoteCAD Manufacturing


Powering Your Business with Manufacturing Software.
Products catalog, Quotes & Orders Management, Stocks Management & Real-time Inventory.


Easy Management


QuoteCAD Manufacturing ERP Software provides a set of out-of-the-box tools for Manufacturing, Customer Relationship and Supplier Chain Management using transparent drag and drop simple working operations using real-time data.


Multi-user-level Environment


QuoteCAD provides user Access Control - Management of user privileges for various processes.


Graphical Preview


Link extra information with products, components or services, like CAD drawings, datasheets, images or catalogs.


Multi-language Support


QuoteCAD user interface is now available in 9 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese-Hans, Japanese and Polish.


Database Management


QuoteCAD™ Manufacturing Database Manager provides the ability to setup and manage user privileges for various processes, create and maintain custom product structures based on sub-products, components and services assemblies, in-house built or supplied by multiple vendors through a Multiple document interface.

Is able to Import components data from external sources as *.csv file, link extra information with products, components or services, like CAD drawings, datasheets, images or catalogs,  multiple price configuration levels, Multiple customer and vendors, custom reports (quotes, orders, Bill of materials).



Quotations, Orders and Stock Management


QuoteCAD™ Manufacturing main module provides clean and transparent Drag and Drop simple working operations to generate and manage Quotations or Estimations, Customer Orders and Purchase orders (products or parts) , Stock, products and parts Real-time Inventory.


Features Multi-tab view, Products groups and nested products in price quotes, Highly customized and easy to use product and quote items (taxes, discounts, shipping prices, etc.), Visual real-time calculation of the stock quantities, considering pending orders in to calculations and Visual warnings of stock status.


QuoteCAD™ Manufacturing graphical data and document integration is able to link 2D or 3D CAD or images data with products allowing you to get immediate thumbnail preview of such information at any stage of your QuoteCAD work tasks. 


QuoteCAD™ Manufacturing User Interface


QuoteCAD™ Manufacturing DataBase Manager User Interface


